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  1. Arthur Lowe in catering

    Ten things from this week #16

    Jon Jacob explores the BBC picture archive

    Jon Jacob explores the BBC picture archive

    Arthur Lowe enjoying some on-set catering during filming of Dad's Army
  2. George Orwell

    George Orwell and the BBC

    Mark Lawson considers how working at the BBC may have influenced the author

    Mark Lawson considers how working at the BBC may have influenced the author

    George Orwell (real name Eric Blair) features in a series of programmes on BBC Radio 4.
  3. Jonathan Creek

    Media Centre Round-Up #3

    Ben Murray's pick of announcements from the Media Centre

    Ben Murray's pick of announcements from the Media Centre

    Jonathan Creek
  • Who we are

    Who we are

    The story of the BBC, our public purpose and how we are funded

  • What we do

    What we do

    The BBC's programmes and services in the UK and around the world

  • How we work

    How we work

    BBC strategy, policies and guidelines, and reports outlining how we work

  • Management structure

    Management structure

    Information about the Executive Board, senior management and the BBC Trust

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