25Jan 2013

Black Ops 2 DLC Revolution's Peacekeeper detailed: meet Call of Duty's first downloadable gun

Mix of assault rifle and SMG promises no end of online upset

Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 combat designer Anthony Flame has been talking to the Call of Duty: Elite community about the Peacekeeper SMG - the very first Call of Duty weapon ever to be offered via DLC - to be specific, the Revolution map pack, out 29th January.

"We're very excited for the opportunity to give players a DLC weapon for the first time in a Call of Duty game," Flame observed, via MP1st. "This has allowed us to evaluate how the fans are playing the game, and offer new content that improves the online experience.

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"For the Peacekeeper, we wanted to give players a high mobility weapon that wasn't just meant for close quarters, which will open up more medium and long range firefights," he went on. "Internally, the team has been having a blast with the Peacekeeper on the new maps. We look forward to the community getting their hands on the Peacekeeper, and seeing how this affects the meta game of Pick 10 selection."

Elsewhere, Flame dissected the new weapon's capabilities. "The Peacekeeper is a Submachine Gun-Assault Rifle Hybrid," he said. "It has the lightweight design of an SMG, but with better range and accuracy at the cost of close quarters firepower. It's a great weapon for objective modes like Hardpoint, where you need to quickly get into position and cover objectives from a safe distance.

"First we began thinking, what will get the most people excited - what is something that people haven't seen before? The conversation quickly gravitated to the fact that our two most popular weapon classes are SMGs and assault rifles, so we thought it would be cool to create a hybrid of those. Having a weapon in DLC is new, having this type of weapon is new and it speaks to the choices that players make - we loved the idea."

Don't know about you, but I think Jacks of all trades tend to be the master of none. Still, I'm no Black Ops 2 expert. By all means share your thoughts, specialists.


12 comments so far...

  1. i'll give it a whirl but mid range doesnt seem to work on these maps, its either subs or sniper rifles. so i use overkill and run with both ;-)

  2. what time will this be available today,oh can you tell me what time dmc dlc will be ready and there is some port royal dlc been made live can someone cover that one please.

  3. i'll give it a whirl but mid range doesnt seem to work on these maps, its either subs or sniper rifles. so i use overkill and run with both ;-)

    I use that kind of set up for maps like Turbine. I thought I was safe on Yemen to run and gun with SMGs. Errrr no. It felt like I'd brought a knife to a gun fight. Poxy snipers had pitched up, fire started and singing kumbaya at every notable viewpoint. Rarely ever go negative on that map, but I got a total pasting last night.

    what time will this be available today,oh can you tell me what time dmc dlc will be ready and there is some port royal dlc been made live can someone cover that one please.

    Revolution is available on Tuesday the 29th. Double XP w/e begins 6PM tonight (10AM PST.) Finishes 6PM Monday 28th.

    On topic, my interpretation of excitable Treyarch blurb re; Peacekeeper is:

    1] It will be shit as close quarters compared to other SMGs.
    2] It will allow you to move as fast an SMG user ( :| )
    3] You will attempt to engage assault rifle players at mid range and lose to superior firepower.
    4] If you go on an improbable streak with the above, everyone in the lobby will claim it's o/p :roll:

  4. Thanks for the date,i thought it was today,about the piecekeeper, i play domination the most,and in domination the scar rules over anything else so smg wont be getting used a lot by me,it would be nice if they bought out a weapon in each class to please everyone.

  5. I have to say I think this is a bad omen.
    cue the next CoD games all having paid dlc guns that are much better than those built into the game

  6. I have to say I think this is a bad omen.
    cue the next CoD games all having paid dlc guns that are much better than those built into the game

    They are playing a dangerous game with the fan base, definitely. I'm assuming that the three remaining packs released later this year will also have a weapon included. Just have to wait and see if they're welcomed / tolerated / hated by the community.

  7. Personally I think they are playing a dangerous game by not trying something like this with their DLC. If it works - great. If not - at least they tried. The community has asked for different types of DLC (weapons) in the past and now we are getting them. I don't think we should criticise Treyarch for giving us what we asked for.

    My biggest criticism (and something I thought Treyarch would be better than IW on) is fixing their game. Just after Christmas and playing Local with my family, I went to play MP to find that all my CC slots had been reset. I lost all my extra slots, permanent unlock tokens, level unlock tokens etc. They eventually have given me back my slots and tokens but all my challenges have been reset. This means that ALL my Playercards, Emblems are all GONE!! I had (for example) completed all but 1 of the Domination challenges. Now I have the card for the number of victories but have no points, captures, A,B,C etc and this is the same for ALL my challenges. Some of my Weapons (I have a Prestige 10 - YES TEN) Shotgun - everything is all over the place! I worked hard to get some weapons to Max with lots of camo unlocks and I don't really want to reset my account and start again but feel I have no choice. With nearly every stat a mess it leaves me no option but to reset back to zero so that I can start again - I can't see how the figures will tally up unless I do and it will only effect my ability to get these challenges done.

  8. By the sounds of it, they may as well shouldn't have bothered. You've got until 6PM on Monday to make prestiging / resetting a less time consuming process. Double lag XP w/e :wink:

  9. One thing that really has annoyed me about black ops 2 is the lack of hardcore game options...wheres domination and headquarters??? I understand that a lot of people...probably more will play core....but theres a lot of us hardcore fans out there. oes anybody know if this is to be resolved?

  10. One thing that really has annoyed me about black ops 2 is the lack of hardcore game options...wheres domination and headquarters??? I understand that a lot of people...probably more will play core....but theres a lot of us hardcore fans out there. oes anybody know if this is to be resolved?

    I've not given Hardcore a proper go yet. I played TDM and the lobby I was in turned into a camp fest. I agree though, objective game modes like Domination and Headquarters really should have been available as a hardcore mode variant. They force players to engage, where as I would imagine a lot of Hardcore TDM matches would go to time instead of points scored. I don't think your request is likely to be granted unfortunately. If enough players kicked off about it, maybe. However much enjoyment you get from playing it, Hardcore is a niche mode. Core fans, whom are in the majority, may not touch it.

  11. I'm not so sure...I love the idea of weapon DLC, I just think DLC for previous weapons would be better. Also I'm thinking a sub/assault hybrid is pointless in a game where subs reign supreme. Especially when players are using all subs as Assault weapons anyway. A larger selection of weapons would be better and help to balance game play more than the recent patch that was released.

  12. i'll give it a whirl but mid range doesnt seem to work on these maps, its either subs or sniper rifles. so i use overkill and run with both ;-)

    Anyone who need a Black Ops 2 Revolution Map Pack Redeem download code, email me. htrioanfarina[@]gmail.com

    I got a extra redeem code to download it. :)