EA: No link between games and violence

CEO John Riccitiello says company was "horrified" by shooting in Connecticut, industry can be part of the solution.

Electronic Arts has responded to the schoolhouse massacre in Newtown, Connecticut, last month that left 20 children and six adults dead. CEO John Riccitiello said last night in a postearnings financial call that EA was "horrified" by the violence, but noted no link between games and real-world violence has ever been established.

"There's no doubt, we like you, were stunned and horrified by the violence in Connecticut or Colorado or many other places over the years," Riccitiello said. "But there has been an enormous amount of research done in the entertainment field about looking for linkages between entertainment content and actual violence, and they haven't found any."

"And I could give you long stories about how people in Denmark or the UK or Ireland or Canada consume as much or more violent games and violent media as they do in the United States, and yet they have an infinitely smaller incidence of gun violence. But that's not really the point. The point is that direct studies have been done, hundreds of millions of dollars of research have been done, has been unable to find a linkage because there isn't one."

Despite a lack of science-based evidence linking entertainment to violence, Riccitiello admitted that there exists a "perception problem" with games, and this is something to deal with.

"We are responsible, we are mature, and we intend to be part of the solution."

"We understand that while there may not be an actual problem, given all the finger-pointing going on in the press, there appears to be the perception of a problem, and we do have to wrestle with that," he said.

Riccitiello added that the game industry is up to the challenge of fixing whatever perception problem may exist and that companies like EA can actually be part of the solution.

"Ours is an industry with an association that has risen to that call many times before and will as we move forward," he said. "We are responsible, we are mature, and we intend to be part of the solution. Our media reaches literally every American, and that can be used as a voice for good."

"So a quick summary. We are horrified, like you. It's not about games. There is a perception issue. We can be part of that solution, and we are ready to step up to do that."

Since the Sandy Hook shooting, the gaming industry has taken heat from politicians and other groups. Just yesterday, United States senator Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn) said video games are a "bigger problem than guns" because they "affect people."

Last week, democratic Connecticut senator Chris Murphy said the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting may not have happened if video games did not give the shooter a "false sense of courage."

Previously, republican New Jersey governor Chris Christie said violent games must be examined in the wake of the shooting. Before that, and just a week after the December 14 shooting, the National Rifle Association condemned violent games, saying they were partially to blame for the mass shooting.

Eddie Makuch
By Eddie Makuch, News Editor

Eddie Makuch (Mack-ooh) is a News Editor at GameSpot. He works out of the company's Boston office in Somerville, Mass., and loves extra chunky peanut butter.

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jtthegame316 like.author.displayName 1 Like

violence in games and real life is unrealated. we live in a violent world and all people have violence in them. some people are just evil and people should stop giving evil people scape goats for there crimes and just punish em already. people are responsible for there own actions. If i picked up a gun and shot someone that would be my doing. violent media would not have grabbed my hands and made me do it.

Adema83 like.author.displayName like.author.displayName 2 Like

I hate how people all ways jump on the "Violent Video Game" band wagon, like there are no Violent movies or violence in the news every day. Just face it we live in a violent world and there are many things that can influence a person.


video games and media effect a kids behavior straight up!, i don't care what these guys say, just lies and more lies to make money and more money.

Devils-DIVISION like.author.displayName like.author.displayName 2 Like


Yes it can have effects. But there is no conclusive data to suggest that violent video games make people more violent. Compare violent crime of the US to Japan and then compare the amount spent on video games and tell me if there is any corollary. We all know what the problem is, America's morbid fascination for guns.

OldJames420 like.author.displayName 1 Like

@Devils-DIVISION @CptJohnnyRico I dont think that has anything to do with it either.....He didn't kill 6 year olds because he really liked guns. That conculsion is idiotic. The problem is unresolved mental health issues. Everything is just political bullshit.

shad0wn3t like.author.displayName like.author.displayName 2 Like

i have played violent games my entire life, use to always get into fights in school from dealing with morons and a holes, have watched violent tv and movies, never once have i considering going and killing people like these psycho paths have, also i have always grown up with guns my entire life i understand there purpose reason and safe and proper use, i personally carry a tomcat 32 semi-auto Beretta 1 in the chamber 6 in the clip with 2 spare 6 round clips, not once have i ever thought or considering pulling it out and using it in any situation other then of my own safety or the safety of some one around me, guns can easily be used to protect and help people and sadly just as easily used to harm them this will never change, but outlawing guns will not aid this any, full automatic weapons are illegal in most states yet gangbangers and criminals still have and use them on a daily basis yet i never see huge outrages and crys to remove them as i have with the recent assault rifle ban cry's  a shotgun is much more dangerous in any of those shooting situations in my opinion  but in the end it all comes down to the person, it was a decision made by the person, they could have been affected by their upbringing or family, could have been tv/movies/games, could have been other people bullying/harassing/ridiculing or purely that these people have no sense of reality or right and wrong or simple human decency, suicide is not rare its every where in the world and very common some people simply do not want to be here or think life is to rough and difficult and would like a way out and they end it, how some people come across this idea when there tired of it all to go kill as many people as they can before they kill them selves or as some means to escape is beyond my ability to understand, if any thing it would seem more occult or demonic by any normal means that there is no utter reasoning or thought behind it, its simply a very very sad and barbaric act of rage and hate or pure worldly disconnectedness, in the end you cant blame guns, tv, movies, games, radio, people, comics, books, swords, knives, rocks, sticks, fist or hands....it all rest on the delusion or mental malfunctions of the people who choose to take such actions and that can never be prevented completely it can only be looked for and hopefully found in time before such incidents occur.


Now does that look like a face that can lie to you?


@hysam20241 i know hey, he looks like such an honest billionaire, he would never lie, he would tell the truth even if it hurt there income, uhhhh right?


The reason for gun crime is social problems that occur mostly in the u.s and no gun control

96augment like.author.displayName 1 Like

@hememi There is gun control. Just not really good gun control. Adam's mother bought those guns legally. Social problems don't happen outside the US? 


Anyone who says there is a link between gun ownership and gun crime is a commie.


This guy makes a good point, congress seems to think the world ends at the shores of America. Look at all the other countries with just as many gamers as the U.S (the U.K, Australia, Japan etc.), they all have drastically less gun violence and yet congress still seems to think that guns aren't the problem, games are. 


always looking for something other then guns and mental people to blame!

we all play games and dont go shot people!

Schmeag like.author.displayName like.author.displayName like.author.displayName like.author.displayName like.author.displayName 5 Like

Taken from Motherjones.com : http://www.motherjones.com/politics/2013/01/pro-gun-myths-fact-check

Sources for these numbers can be found in smallarmssurvey.org and unodc.org

United States spends $44 per capita on video games compared to Japan's $55

United States own 88 guns per 100 people compared to Japan's 0.6

United States had 11030 gun homicides in 2008 compared to Japan's 11

These numbers are taken from independent research--why aren't numbers such as these being used to defend video games? Broad, vague statements mean nothing--anyone can make those up. It just goes to show that, if they truly believe what they are saying, these politicians are so out of touch with reality if they have to stoop to blaming video games for  civilian shootings.

TTDog like.author.displayName like.author.displayName 2 Like

@Schmeag Bill Hicks used to used something similar in his act: 

The UK... strict gun control, deaths from guns last year... 8, US... everyone has guns... deaths from guns last year... 8,590.... anyone saying there is a link between these figures is a commie.


The violence comes from the politicians you vote, stop blaming the entertainment for your idiotic acts !


The best I can offer is that watching a Bruce Lee film as a kid helped inspire me to play fight with my brothers. After I got past 10 the effect was lost.

People who believe that GAMES are the cause of the violence are just so stupid they shouldn't even be listened to.

jeffkaos like.author.displayName 1 Like

It's about time that someone in the game industry started to defend their product. Now of only some other game company big shots could do the same. It's going to take more than just us gamers to defend our hobby.


what about Game and Corporatism? 

DbzJohno like.author.displayName 1 Like

Make this guy a Senator!!

ElJefeDeMedios like.author.displayName like.author.displayName like.author.displayName 3 Like

Don't usually applaud EA .. but good for them!


Games do not create violence, anyone that thinks it does clearly isn't a gamer


Anyone who thinks games create violence clearly isn't using their brain.


Uh, what about Hollywood and all their violent action movies that glorify guns and violence as a solution to disagreements? What about all the television shows with guns and action and shootings? Those get funneled into every home in the country every day. Those bred the "destigmatized" culture that allow similar games to flourish. Start pulling movies from rest stops. Go after action movies with guns and explosions before you go after games. Chicken, egg. Every generation picks on a medium they don't understand. Rock and roll is here to stay, and so are video games. They're at worst a symptom, not the problem. But they're an easy target, so stop going for headlines instead of solutions, politicians. Even if you took video games off the shelves, the real problem would persist.

marshbaboon like.author.displayName 1 Like

I don't kill because I'm desensitized to violence from video games.

I kill because it's the only way I can get an erection!

rlv217 like.author.displayName like.author.displayName 2 Like

Here is something the news wont report, and Congress will never mention. Current population is 315, 254, 000 people in the United States as of today on the Government's Census website. The 1990 U.S. Census shows 248 million people, and 226 million in 1980 Census. I am sure out of that 67 million increase and  I realize the Census is not perfect, but the increase of 67 million, and then add 10 million or so illegals, I am sure there are more crazy people in our country committing stupid acts. Just because there has been an increase of popularity in video games over the last 25 years does not mean it is gamers who should be at fault for increasing gun crimes. Hold the person committing the crime responsible, and quit looking for scapegoats.

boomer0901 like.author.displayName 1 Like


na you don't want to look at stuff like that, that's not a quick and easy fix for the politicians to shut the people up so they can get on with their paychecks, I mean lives.  They don't want to look at things like mental illness, illegals, illegal drugs, not quick and easy.

Very painful and not very PC of them to start pointing fingers at thousands of illegals, guns, and pounds of illegal drugs coming over the borders, oh wait we fund that, sorry we wouldn't want the people to be safe in their own country in the name of profits would be, na, we'll just blame it on the guns, semi automatic guns and clips, event though they know it will not affect the guns/drug trades because it's not legal anyways. 

Darksider141 like.author.displayName 1 Like

You have done something useful EA, but its not enough to make up for all your other shit, not by a long shot.

Lowri001 like.author.displayName like.author.displayName like.author.displayName like.author.displayName like.author.displayName like.author.displayName like.author.displayName 7 Like

EA can sometimes pull their heads out of their arses and do something useful... Who knew.

iamrob7 like.author.displayName 1 Like

@Lowri001 When it results in making them look better, sure they will.  PR move, nothing more.  


Well, I don't agree with EA being mature. The online passes seem kind of childish to me. However, I don't think violent video games are the source, at least not as a whole. I mean, there are other factors that can lead to violence that we must keep in mind here. Mental illness, violent movies, tv shows and comics, extremist websites, hunting trips, paintball, bullying, domestic violence, drugs and alcohol, and hanging out with bad people could cause someone to become violent. Thing is, we don't know what causes this. For all we know, some of these factors are okay when they are alone, but they become dangerous when mixed together, just like drinking and driving. That being said, there might not be anything wrong with video games unless they are mixed with other factors.

Apastron like.author.displayName like.author.displayName like.author.displayName 3 Like

I've killed hundreds of thousands, if not over a million, 'enemies' in games and yet in real life that number is barely into double figures so the link is tenuous at best.

TheDarkSpot like.author.displayName like.author.displayName like.author.displayName like.author.displayName like.author.displayName like.author.displayName like.author.displayName 7 Like

Hell, I'd rather have EA rule the world than a bunch of moronic politicians.



While I don't disagree with our politicians being moronic, you do realise the politicians decide their votes and get their campaign money from guys just like this, essential making the ceo's/banking system the first step in the moronic politician. 

Lattata like.author.displayName like.author.displayName 2 Like

O.o....I can't beleive I'm saying this.

EA is right, for once! Thanks!

Shantmaster_K like.author.displayName like.author.displayName like.author.displayName like.author.displayName like.author.displayName like.author.displayName like.author.displayName like.author.displayName like.author.displayName like.author.displayName like.author.displayName 11 Like

I can't believe I'm saying this, but... Thank.... you.... EA.... Ugh that was tough...

cryingdevil63 like.author.displayName 1 Like

@Shantmaster_K Hold your horses,of course they would do this because it benefits them,it would be disastrous for them if games got banned/restricted,self interest,nothing more.

spike6958 like.author.displayName like.author.displayName 2 Like

You know, I'm starting to think there really is a link because every time I see a pic of this guy I want to punch my screen.


Manhunt of the PS2 was one of my all item favourite games, NOT ONCE did i want to go outside and put a plastic bag over someone's head and cut it off!

I have played Super Mario and NOT ONCe did i try and eat a star to get invincibility either.   At the end of the day, these  unstable people doing these unspeakable crimes are very unhinged in the first place.  Society should look after them better and make sure they are not able to put the public's life in danger.


It's not the games , it's other media like television, movies and music which have the real violence. This forms of media isn't make-believe like virtual video games.  They are real-world. This is absurd.

tuzem2 like.author.displayName like.author.displayName 2 Like

@enriK233 neither games nor ANY other type of media should be blamed... This is called freedom of expression. The problem lies with parenting, education, mental health, and of course guns!


@tuzem2 @enriK233 Well I like what you said there and a lot of people agree with you but guns aren't the problem if anything gun violence has been at an all time low and if you ban guns there will just be more stabbings, beatings, and other forms as a result to no one being able to defend themselves... also there is the government to worry about because time and again we need to put them in check especially these days. You talk about freedom well it has a lot to do with guns actually but yes your right for the most part just crazy people shouldn't be allowed to own them.

ah20s like.author.displayName like.author.displayName 2 Like

@tuzem2 I agree I personally don't own a gun or want to have anything to do with them either I just take into account the amendments we have in our country for our right to bare arms and our government is kinda encroaching on that territory so I just feel that it is messed up for that reason but I agree I wish we could live in a world where we didn't need guns whatsoever but the fact that it takes other forms of violence down because people are able to defend themselves I agree with that at least but your absolutely right about the technology and our ability to defend ourselves against such a threat it is very hard to do with what is out there drones, air, nukes, chem, and what not so I have taken this thought into account for sure. It is a good discussion and such a fragile topic its hard to take it too especially when it starts to invade our video game territory lol it makes me mad that they could blame a form of entertainment for crazy unstable people... they will find anything for an excuse to go loco on everybody. I just count on every human being most of the time to be like a unmovable wall when it comes to things we know we should have that's why it was so good to hear that the internet regulations they tried to pass awhile ago failed. I don't think you are out of line in what you say and I'm more upset at Piers Morgan telling us what to do with the gun bans as opposed to you so no worries haha you make good points!

tuzem2 like.author.displayName like.author.displayName 2 Like

@ah20s @tuzem2 @enriK233 

Hey, so I read what you said there but I would like to try and counter your statement about "[...] there is the government to worry about because time and again we need to put them in check [...].

Firstly, do you think if your government ever tried to go after you in that way, people with guns would be able to stop them? I mean, have you seen your government's military power? Drones, nukes, carriers, tanks, and so on and so forth?

Secondly, if that is in fact the reason opponents of gun safety/restriction laws want to be able to keep as much as guns as possible, is this really a good thing? A scared person with an assault rifle? How does this help anyone including that person?

Isn't it kind of ironic - the reason why people in the U.S. want to have powerful guns is the same reason why the U.S. military keeps expanding - fear. In military power, your country beats the next, what was it, 20 countries combined, majority of which are your allies. What do you think drives this? Well, yes, there is greed, but also fear?

I personally see no point in owning a gun and yes, I'm against all of them. However, I can at least try and understand why some people want to have a gun for protection or sports. But assault rifles or 30+ ammo clips?

Yes, you are right, if only guns are banned and nothing else is done - there most likely would not be much effect. That's where parenting, education, and healthcare (mental healthcare) should come.

And, yes, I am not a U.S. citizen, so before someone tells me to shut up because this is not my business, I want to point out something. The way any political party works is to cater to the lowest common denominator - in the U.S.'s case this is fear (I'm NOT saying you are cowards!). Because of this fear, you have kissed goodbye your privacy, the innocent-until-proven-guilty concept, you have even started killing your own citizens. What I am trying to say, maybe gun restriction of assault rifles shouldn't be as outrageous as indefinite detention or poverty or illiteracy? 

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