Video Review - Halo 4


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  • Nov 1, 2012

Chris Watters reunites with Master Chief and Cortana in this video review for Halo 4.


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Played and finished... had the feel of just another Halo game, nothing new even tho they changed the bad guys a lil.


I just finished Halo: Reach. I can't wait to play this one. 


this game is so great to play......!!!!


this is free download.....?


1$=4money for me

20$=80 money for me :((


so cant buy



it looks ALOT better then halo reach let alone halo 3


how can anybody say this looks like halo 3? lol must not of played either


I've never been a huge Halo fan, but after playing through Halo 4... I'm all in.  343 put together one helluva tale, and I haven't even started the MP yet.


Greatest game EVER What ever is concerned! SAK

gal5473 1 Like

The main thing that put's me off buying this is no iron sights. seems kinda weird and makes the game look dated.

Taipan123456789 1 Like

where the hell is black ops 2 in this category????????? wtf

fluffy_puppy666 2 Like

I dont see why they would sell a halo 3 expansion as if its a new game. The gameplay is identical, halo 4 is a halo 3 map and story expansion, the game didnt really evolve in any aspect. 

Phlanxion 3 Like

After buying ODST and Reach, I'm reluctant to buy this. I'm tired of Halo.  Also tired of Call of Duty.  These trilogies are getting tired.  Nice to see Master Chief back, but 10 hours or so game play is not worth the 60 bucks.  Playing Skyrim on a second play through is biding my time until Far Cry 3 comes out. Only buy if you want to cap off your collection or wait til it goes on sale at Target 6 months down the road. 

MxAa 3 Like

 @Phlanxion Well... then you obviously wouldn't "buy" any halo game if all you do is play the campaign right? I mean... any game you play through once and never touch again doesn't deserve 60 bucks. Look up on the multi player... that's where the 60 bucks is due. It's the best MP since halo 2, and I approve.

Pokebub22 1 Like

I preordered Halo 4.I got Circuit Armor.

Gramo 1 Like

More like 6 hours tut, tut gamespot

mishdogg 3 Like

Never liked the Halo series.  It's too cartoony, too unrelatable.  Reminds me of Unreal.

Legojake94 1 Like

SPOILERS: ok i'll admit it was a good game, i loved the graphix, the mocap was spectacular on the actors, it started out great... But it was WAY too short, the ending had NO confronation, it didnt build up the way the end of the game SHOULD have.. and you didnt know what was going on half the time because the game is so loud you cant hear barely any dialouge. the main bad guy, you never face in actual gameplay so he doesnt feel like a threat at all in any way. plus he shows up halfway thru which makes him a side character at best. that and he looks almost exactly like Garrus from mass effect. the ending also didnt even leave you hanging at all for the halo 5 + 6 they'll have.

Legojake94 1 Like

black ops was way better

MxAa 1 Like

 @Legojake94 .... If you like 14 year old graphics engine (and yes it uses a 14 year old graphics engine so don't even talk) then sure. Only thing good about black ops is zombies. Game is terrible online. The maps are so hilariously bad.

Legojake94 1 Like

 @MxAa you dont even know what a 14 year old graphics engine looks like if your gonna pin that crap up on BO2. and its the best online to date. dont troll a good game just cuz you cant shoot worth crap halo noob


 @Legojake94  @MxAa BO2 has such a hilariously bad story, and the multiplayer isnt worth playing unless you just want to grind through the same 4 levels until your twitch gaming skills are honed to a razor edge. Both of what you say has merit, but also, the engine is only 7 years old. They havent updated it at all since COD4, the last good Call of Duty game. Why? Because it was fresh and not the same repackaged multiplayer and ridiculous story. The story of COD 4 was actually believeable somewhat compared to one guy just going through and killing thousands of people, then hiding behind a chest high wall to make sure that he can wipe the jam out of his eyes, because apparently the enemies didnt get the memo that they should use real bullets instead of little vials of jam... Anyways, in this Halo, if you didnt read any of the books or know any of the backstory, you wont get the full enjoyment out of a spectacular game.

carnivalshow 1 Like

The writing is good they said but if you see the clips of them speaking lol . . .  I have not played it but if your going to say the story and writing is good you should of showed some beter areas that was really bad.

Legojake94 1 Like

 @carnivalshow i played it, and i had no idea what was going on half the time man. the game itself was so loud you couldnt hear ANY dialouge. and the ending Sucked horribly. there was no real confrontation at all

carnivalshow 2 Like

I am still playing borderlands 2 and the dlc's this game looks bad I don't think ill pick it up. Im sick of the all around robotic 3000 years from now type games come up with something new gets old.

kyle_krebs 2 Like

I don't get what it is with the Halo franchise. It consistently gets high scores. The games are good in my opinion but not great. I honestly don't see what it is that sets them apart from other shooters. The storyline isn't exactly mindblowing nor are the game mechanics. Same thing as GTA, another consistently overrated game in my book. But then other games which I thought were great get only a 7-7.5 (ahem, Hitman: Absolution). Anyway, I'm not exactly complaining here, I'd just like to know what it is that I'm missing that makes these games deserve a 9.

H4num4n 1 Like

 @kyle_krebs Wich shooter on console has better "game meachnics" then. Pls tell me, i would love to play it.

kyle_krebs 1 Like

 @H4num4n there are none, but that's exactly my point. no other shooter on console has better game mechanics. They're all pretty much the same. So why all the hype over Halo? 

Gahere 1 Like

 @kyle_krebs  @H4num4n  @IndySandbagTrik Seriously, the A.I. is spectacular, Halo was one of the first games to introduce basic (somewhat-realistic) A.I. They enemies fought against you, and I don't mean simply firing blindly into your direction. They rolled out of the way of incoming grenades and vehicles. Elites and hunters would revert to using brute force if you got to close, while other games still had the A.I. that would simply shoot you in the chest because they weren't programmed to melee. In Halo 4, especially on harder difficulties, the A.I. play extremely well to their strengths. The Promethean flank, feint, shield each other, rush you, revive each other double team (with crawlers they simply overwhelm you). But your right, the story fell on it's ass. but in all honesty I hope that 343 will do better with the next game with the next gen console coming out soon.

kyle_krebs 1 Like

 @H4num4n I see! So it's really the A.I. and the multiplayer that gives it all the hype? I guess I should be playing it on the harder difficulty modes then to see what everybody's raving about. Thanks! Your English is fine btw :)  @IndySandbagTrik , I've played all the Halo games except for Reach and ODST. Like I said earlier, imho they're good but not great. But then I think I'm looking at it from a different angle. I'm mainly a story driven gamer so I play on normal difficulty to get through the game and see the story to its conclusion. I hate getting stuck on a level. For this reason I also don't play multiplayer games (there's no story in them). So if A.I. on harder difficulties and multiplayer are what set this apart from other shooters then no wonder I didn't see it. Also, as far as storyline goes, it was lukewarm at best. Mass Effect had the best sci-fi storyline for me. Halo's was a bit cheesy. Not terrible, mind you, but I never really felt invested in the characters. 

IndySandbagTrik 1 Like

 @kyle_krebs  @H4num4n The amazing A.I, The excellent Sci-Fi Universe (enhanced by it's EU), Un-paralleled multiplayer experience (tactics/vehicles/weapons/melee.. to many things to mention), Great Characters in SP.. there are so many more things.. have you actually played the Halo games?

H4num4n 1 Like

 @kyle_krebs I almost forgot to mention that i too think that halo4 is overrated, at lest the single player campain.

H4num4n 3 Like

 @kyle_krebs For me it's the dynamic shootouts thanks to the grest A.I. I have many memorable moments fighting the enemys in the halo games. For example: I fought an elite and got his shield almost down, he realizes thats bad for him and dives into cover in the last second. I pushed forward to finish him of but didn't find him right after i got around the corner. I turned around just to realize he is behind me and loads up his shield and starts firing at me. Now i'm in the defensive and had to get the hell away. He almost stuck me with a plasma grenade, hunted me down and kicked me right in the face. The non scripted A.I on the harder difficulties is what makes halo better than all other shootersw imo. You can repeat a single fight over and over again and the outcome is always different. You can guess that the different combination of enemys working togheter plus vehicles and the great physics engine its always possible that all sorts of epic and hillarious stuff can happen all the time:)

Sry for my english btw.

jollyjoel23 1 Like

 @tstidotcom u should probably get an admin's approval before u post links like this...just sayin'.

tstidotcom 1 Like

 @jollyjoel23 Now that you say something, I should. I will be sure to ask before posting next time. It honestly didn't cross my mind because It's not spam, It's not competitive and not on a site that gets anywhere near this many views and has no advertising. I just thought it was a good way to give those who wanted to hear reviews another person's critique. I'll look into speaking with the admins though. Good suggestion, I really do appreciate it. :)

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