
Universal acclaim - based on 31 Critics What's this?

User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 256 Ratings

  • Summary: With Far Cry 3, players step into the shoes of Jason Brody, a man alone at the edge of the world, stranded on a mysterious tropical island. In this savage paradise where lawlessness and violence are the only sure thing, players dictate how the story unfolds, from the battles they choose to fight to the allies or enemies they make along the way. As Jason Brody, players will slash, sneak, detonate and shoot their way across the island in a world that has lost all sense of right and wrong. Expand
Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 30 out of 31
  2. Negative: 0 out of 31
  1. Dec 21, 2012
    Ubisoft's balance of open world gameplay and FPS action really hits the mark, and overall the game does a fantastic job in providing players with an interesting, immersive gaming experience.
  2. Dec 4, 2012
    The story mode has one of the strongest starts I can remember in years.
  3. Jan 7, 2013
    Despite being hampered by a well meaning, but ultimately interfering, plot, Far Cry 3 has evolved into a decadent, playful and exciting title. Be it quality programming, dumb luck or a mixture of them both, the game plunges you into a thick, gloopy world of sugary gameplay, shimmering visuals, intoxicating audio as well as a great deal more. It's long, stupid and buckets of fun - just what you need to burn away the winter blues.

See all 31 Critic Reviews

Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 62 out of 74
  2. Negative: 4 out of 74
  1. Kyr
    Far Cry 3 is the best FPS i've ever played since Battlefield, is simply amazing how you can do almost everthing, between just gathering a plant to skin a shark. Good graphics,good gameplay, this game certainly deserves Goty. Expand
  2. Good first impressions. Great graphics and excellent game world. Yeah there's a little bit of screen tearing in the PS3 version but nothing to effect your enjoyment. The story and characters aren't that great but who cares about that. Good shooting and fun vehicle sections, yes there's better shooters and better racers but for an open world game not bad at all. The problems stem from the design. First the game is constantly nagging you with annoying pop ups on the screen telling you to press start just to read up on something you've just discovered. These pop ups cannot be turned off either. To make matters worse NPC's will repeat the same line of dialogue over and over again every few seconds to remind you of your next objective. Level design in the main missions will leave you with a sense of de ja vu. Every cliche is present and correct. An escort mission, a turrets section, one of those levels where you have to plant sem tex on 3 targets with glowing sections then get clear. Far Cry 3 is at it's best when it let's you approach missions how you want such as when hunting or taking over camps. Unfortunately your also tasked with quite a lot of busy work such as collecting relics and memory cards and letters, none of which are very interesting and just feel like they're there to keep you playing longer. There's also a twisted morality here which allows you to kill as many innocent animals as you want but try killing the identical, bland faced inhabitants and the game will kill you. That's right you just straight out drop dead without even the thrill of being chased down as you would in say Grand theft Auto or Red Dead Redemption. Most of these issues I could forgive but the game's difficulty curve is broken as it actually gets easier the more you play. XP and money is earned all too easily and by the time you reach the games final stages your 'll have all the best weapons and be virtually indestructible. Having created such a visually stunning environment for you to get lost in it's such a shame there's not many fun things for you to do in it. Expand
  3. This is the worst shooter since Syndicate. The awful bloom effect, the open world (if you could even call it that) is lacking severely. Vaas is the worst, most predictable villain in years and Jason has no personality, simply another silent fps protagonist. I want my money back. Expand

See all 74 User Reviews

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