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When Disaster Strikes: How Prepared is Your Workplace

When Disaster Strikes: How Prepared is Your Workplace

There's no way to guarantee your workplace won't ever have to deal with natural or man-made disasters, but by being prepared and communicating effectively, employers can help employees be calm and...

National Trends
Jobs News for Allentown, Lehigh Valley

  • Is a virtual office really better?

  • Companies strike balance between office-bound, all-virtual workers.

  • 'The Avengers' and the workplace

  • The personality types on display in "The Avengers" are probably not that far off from the volatile and larger-than-life people you encounter...

  • The office that reads together, succeeds together

  • If it seems like everybody isn't on the same page in your workplace, maybe a book club can help.

  • Digital-savvy workers are in demand

  • MILWAUKEE — The explosion in digital devices has triggered a rush by companies to hire digitally trained employees to provide and...

  • Employers beefing up summer jobs, internships

  • Some three dozen companies, government agencies and nonprofits have committed to creating 180,000 summer jobs this year.

  • Starting salaries for college graduates

  • Here's a breakdown of the median salary for certain majors. Median salaries, rather than averages, are used for comparison.

  • Gaps in your work history

  • When the recession began, the question that popped up repeatedly was, "Can I find a job in this economy?" Then, for those fortunate enough...

  • Dealing with a bad boss

  • Got an abusive boss? Recruit co-workers to raise alarm on abusive supervisor, and other useful tips.

    Career Advancement
    Info & Advice to Help Your Career in Lehigh Valley

    Make resumes catch the computer's eye
  • Make resumes catch the computer's eye

  • If this is a foreign language to you — "proprietary algorithms," "advanced semantic search," "computational linguistics" and...

    Achieving career-related resolutions
  • Achieving career-related resolutions

  • If you make New Year's resolutions, you've likely seen many good intentions fall by the wayside. Setting and achieving goals is a skill that...

    What hiring managers really want to see
  • What hiring managers really want to see

  • When you're job searching, simply getting the attention of potential employers can be a challenge. Of course, there are always a few...

    12 ways to be more creative at work
  • 12 ways to be more creative at work

  • In today's knowledge-based economy, coming up with new ideas under pressure is essential.

    Let's make a deal
  • Jen Weigel: Let's make a deal

  • Did you know just about anything is negotiable? From your salary to the new boots you've had your eye on at the mall, no dollar amount is...

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