85 out of 100

Generally favorable reviews - based on 29 Critics

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 25 out of 29
  2. Negative: 0 out of 29
  1. Oct 30, 2012
    With the game's mix of a hugely interactive open world, a compelling setting, and a finely tuned combat system, I'm eager to return to delve even further into the Animus.
  2. 100
    Assassin's Creed III takes everything that worked well in previous titles, sprinkled in a touch of Red Dead Redemption, tweaked the combat to be as smooth as Batman: Arkham City, borrowed the cinematic and character development of Uncharted 2, and polished it all off to be one of, if not the very best, game of 2012.
  3. Oct 30, 2012
    This game is an amazing new iteration for the Assassin's Creed saga, a worthy successor to its awesome predecessors, and an epic tale where you can enjoy the incredible amount of work that Ubisoft surely invested on it. Here the American Revolution feels alive and fresh, and it comes with a multifaceted and human hero: the memorable Connor.
  4. Oct 30, 2012
    With such an engaging storyline, refined combat, and content that perfectly complements the time period, Assassin's Creed III is a revolution, not only to the series, but to the genre itself.
  5. Nov 6, 2012
    Some pop-up and framerate issues are the only problems we've encountered, which is on itself quite spectacular. Assassin's Creed III is an interesting new step for the franchise, delivering a competent story, a number of great gameplay improvements and mind-blowing naval missions.
  6. Oct 31, 2012
    Assassin's Creed III is unavoidably, inescapably epic.
  7. Oct 30, 2012
    Assassin's Creed 3 will be the best game of the year for many gamers. It's not the prettiest game, it doesn't tell the best story and doesn't have the most brilliant gameplay. But it portrays a world we can lose ourselves in like no other, which is filled to the brim with interesting characters and content, and it hardly ever bores.
  8. Oct 30, 2012
    The best Assassin's Creed and one of the best games of the year. Bigger and better, and still an Assassin's Creed. It takes the core of the series and takes it to a whole new level in almost every aspect. It provides dozens of hours of gameplay, and, if you forgive some technical issues, you'll be in front of one of the best adventures we've seen in the last few years.
  9. Oct 30, 2012
    The storytelling that weaves through these many threads is stellar. Rather than hiding from the complex themes of freedom versus control at the heart of the series, Assassin's Creed III confronts them head on, and tells a nuanced and adult story about the price of liberty, the dangers of extremism, and the connections that bind family.
  10. Oct 30, 2012
    Freerunning has taken on new life with Connor's ability to flit through the trees, and the new weapons hem nicely into the freedom and wealth of options of the series...I can personally guarantee it'll see the top of many Game of the Year lists, perhaps even our own – Assassin's Creed III is a masterpiece.
  11. Nov 7, 2012
    Assassin's Creed 3 is a carefully crafted game that does border on perfect in terms of this franchise. The new protagonists are interesting and more importantly, the story and gameplay flows together perfectly. For some reason, the story in AC3 is easily the most compelling of the lot and even when you're finished, you could easily play the game again. Add in a sturdy multiplayer mode and Assassin's Creed 3 is a must have game to get you through to Christmas.
  12. Oct 30, 2012
    After a very disappointing sidestep with Revelations, Ubisoft now releases the best game in the entire series. The script, the environment – basically everything is spectacular. Some irritating bugs are the only aspect that stands in the way of a perfect score.
  13. Oct 30, 2012
    A gorgeous sandbox with a plethora of things to do inside it. The series has reached new peaks in terms of quality and quantity, it's a pity that Ubisoft didn't manage to improve the combat system and the AI at the same level, preventing the game from becoming a true masterpiece.
  14. Oct 31, 2012
    Assassin's Creed 3 mixes good old features with some fresh and innovative ideas. The new character Connor and the setting of the American Revolution fit perfectly. There are some gameplay improvements (e.g. sea battles) which make Assassin's Creed 3 the best game of the franchise.
  15. Oct 30, 2012
    Assassin's Creed III comes as an arrow lit on fire in the ranking list of the best games of the year. The semi-historic settings in New York and Boston in combination with the gorgeous woods make this game by far the best in the franchise.
  16. 85
    Assassin's Creed III builds strongly on the series but fails to take a giant leap of faith into any real new territory. A new plot, the Colonial America setting, and sheer volume of things to do outweigh the disappointing bugs and glitches.
  17. Oct 30, 2012
    Assassin's Creed III isn't as huge an improvement upon its predecessors' achievements as many players will be hoping for, but it's still up there with the best that the series has achieved - even if it isn't quite the best.
  18. Oct 28, 2012
    Following lessons by masters Altair and Ezio, Connor brings key new features to the Assassin's Creed series. Naval battles and leafy wilderness areas full of animals and tall trees fit nicely with the well-built historical setting of this American Revolutionary War. Expansive and spectacular, only marred by inexcusable bugs, reduced draw distances, a slow-paced beginning and several AI flaws.
  19. Nov 6, 2012
    Assassin's Creed III's methodical world-building and wealth of clever gameplay systems are impressive, even if they don't always confidently click together with all the other moving parts.
  20. Nov 5, 2012
    Generally, Assassin's Creed III delivers most of the things that fans want. It's a fresh new setting wrapped around the familiar core mechanics. We've lost the less engaging elements that they experimented with in Revelations while adding a couple of new tricks to the range of gameplay.
  21. Nov 1, 2012
    Assassin's Creed III is how you re-ignite a franchise just when fatigue sets in.
  22. Oct 31, 2012
    AC3 has flaws, but they are not all that important. It's easy to love the game, and you'll surrender yourself to Connor's fight for freedom and independence from the Templar oppressors with great satisfaction.
  23. Oct 30, 2012
    A fun and thrilling wrap-up for the series. While it has its share of wonky sections--it's bloated with too many features and collectibles, its pacing is off, and the Desmond sections fall short of expectations--it truly captures the thrills that have made the series so successful.
  24. Oct 30, 2012
    Exploring the beautifully rendered American east coast during the 16th century is a delight. The woodland nature areas provide a atmosphere and a sense of freedom that's been lacking in the series previous installments. Variation in quests, innovative and well developed systems are the game's strongest parts.
  25. Oct 30, 2012
    Some interesting and fitting additions don't entirely save an aging formula from feeling stale. Assassin's Creed III is fun and can provide a massive timesink should you give it the chance, but it's a disappointing update all things considered, with all the pre-release promises made.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 285 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 80 out of 113
  2. Negative: 20 out of 113
  1. AC3 is a all new AC Experience, it has a Read Dead Redemption feeling and the best things that you love on AC series. You watch the trailers, demos and theres no surprise, it is amazing like you saw by Ubisoft. Maybe GOTY 2012. Full Review »
  2. As good as Assassin’s Creed III looked, as interesting as the new mechanics are and as impressed as I was by the overall direction the game is going, it’s still hard to get over the fact that this appears to be another game about American patriotism and how they drove us evil tyrants from their beloved lands. Granted, we kind of deserved it for being a little bit dickish, but some small part of me expected better of Ubisoft. Full Review »
  3. I really REALLY wanted to like this game. I felt like this was a step backward in terms of gameplay, story, and well, just about everything. I have no idea what happened during the development of this game. Graphically, its downright gorgeous. Sweeping vistas, open ocean battles, and some of the best snow ive seen. But all of that doesnt mean s@#$ if the gameplay isnt up to snuff, and thats where AC3 falls to pieces. its buggy as hell. I shot up about 60 ft. in the air after jumping a fence. had several npc's floating around above the ground. All that wouldnt be so bad if i wasent for the f@#$ing controls. Ubisoft said they improved upon AC Brotherhoods controls. Well, dont fix what isnt completely broken. Controls have never been this series strong suit, but this is one the most frustrating thing ive experienced since the controls from GTA4. The one area where AC always blew me away is the story. But im 8.5 hours into this thing and im just barely scratching the main the story. If you cant get your main plot points out into the open in the first say 3-5 hours of the game, then something is wrong. The pacing is just atrocious. The AI has been ratcheted up in difficulty a few notches. Ive been getting my ass kicked just about every fight i get into. Ive been spotted when i was clearly hidden at least 10 times. All this is adding up to a fairly unenjoyable experience. If it as any other game i would just chalk it up as a lose and forget about it. But this is AC3 for christs sake. Its supposed to be one of the hallmark games of 2012. Ive been pumped for this thing for MONTHS. Im just so damned disappointed in this thing it hurts. On a side note, i just dont get these fanboys rating it a 10. A 10 game is perfection. It can get no better. Its at its pinnacle. They maybe come around once a year. Look at this game and tell me there is nothing that can be improved. Your lying to yourself and doing a disservice to your fellow gamers. Full Review »