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Generally favorable reviews - based on 4 Critics What's this?

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Generally favorable reviews- based on 15 Ratings

  • Summary: "Mass Effect" will deliver an immersive, story-driven gameplay experience presented in a cinematic style with high production values, extraordinary levels of visual fidelity, incredible exploration and realistic digital actors. Players assume the role of an elite human Spectre agent, Commander Shepard, entrusted with keeping law and order in the galaxy. As they discover and explore the uncharted edges of the galaxy, they come closer to an overwhelming truth learning that the placid and serene universe they know is about to come to a violent end and that they are the only being who can stop it. Expand
Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 3 out of 4
  2. Negative: 0 out of 4
  1. Dec 11, 2012
    Mass Effect is quality. The story is very well done. The characters are well written, and it's amazing to see how they were at the beginning. It's like I got to see them as they were, and can now appreciate how they've grown from Mass Effect to Mass Effect 2 and 3.
  2. Dec 10, 2012
    I'm in the camp that believes the games simply get better the further you get into the series, meaning that for as amazing as Mass Effect is, its sequels are more amazing yet. So if you like this game, just imagine how much you'll like what follows it.
  3. Dec 10, 2012
    Mass Effect's gameplay is unashamedly stuck in 2007. It's unpolished, frustrating, and much of it feels unnecessary. Fortunately, the plot and writing are enough to carry the experience. If you've already dipped into either of the series' superior sequels, prepare for a learning curve if you absolutely must explore the franchise's roots.

See all 4 Critic Reviews

Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 1 out of 2
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 2
  3. Negative: 1 out of 2
  1. 9
    Mass effect on ps3 seems like it was meant to be, i played the 360 version first, very good but is plagued with bugs and so is the ps3 version, but only slightly. The improved loading quickness and the sharpness of textures makes this port very good indeed. I would recommend getting it on ps3 as it is very good and adds to your mass effect collection nicely. Expand
  2. Terrible port. This version even runs worst than the 360 from half a decade ago. I am extremely disappointed but it isn't unexpected as ME2 and 3 on PS3 were a full game. The Mass Effect trilogy on Sony's platform is like a beta of the actually thing but it is laughable that these came after the original. If you own a PC or 360 get this on either of those. I'm glad ME is now on the PS3 but I feel that this is really a cash grab. I sold my 360 and now I wish I haven't. Mass Effect on PS3 really isn't worth picking up. The game froze numerous time, the framerate is actually worst than the original and graphic isn' as sharp. Expand