The Walking Dead Episode 5: No Time Left Review

Strangers are just people you haven't met yet

We knew we were looking at something special when we reviewed the first episode of The Walking Dead, but we had concerns nonetheless. With the season finale still months away, there was plenty of time for the story to flop, or the game to let itself down with technical problems.

After the less than stellar Episode 4, we're pleased to reveal that the closing chapter doesn't disappoint. Learning from the mistakes of its previous segments, No Time Left ties you into a glorious rollercoaster and then repeatedly smashes you into the ground. The obligatory puzzle section is gone, and there's far less in the way of meandering group conversations.

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Meat cleavers come in handy, basically.
Despite the hurried pace, No Time Left still squeezes in some fantastic character development, twisting a pressure-cooker situation into a cathartic mess. Telltale has used cheeky tricks in the past to ensure that the decisions we made in The Walking Dead didn't have as much impact as we'd like, but the finale goes a long way towards resolving that. Skeletons get dragged out of the closet, and fresh situations open old wounds. Some elements of the conclusion won't change, but the events along the way most certainly will.

The decisions you make in The Walking Dead have never been about branching narrative, though - it's all about feeling accountable. In contrast to games which let you carve your own path, there's a realism to The Walking Dead that the rest of the industry could definitely learn from. People you care about are going to die, and there's nothing that you can do to stop that.

All you're left with is the memory of how you chose to treat them. More often than not sadness is accompanied by a lingering sense that you could have done better. Death plays a central part in most videogames, but very few have ever managed to engineer grief. Regardless of shortcomings elsewhere, The Walking Dead is a spectacular achievement in this respect.

It's not a perfect resolution, however. No Time Left lets itself down a little with sequences that don't feel true to the characters. One moment sees you frantically trying to find a weapon in a location you've already scoured, while another sequence shows a wounded character struggling to climb up onto a roof while the rest of the group stand back and watch. Moments like this don't ruin the story, but they don't make any sense.

Minor inconsistencies like these raise eyebrows, but No Time Left remains superb. Rainbows and sunshine might not be on the menu, but that doesn't stop the ending being a blinder. While most zombie games try to shock you, The Walking Dead taps into a far darker reservoir of terror - poking a fork into the back of your skull and digging out all your well-hidden fears.

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"Need a hand? Haha! Ha."
Responsibility. Consequence. People you know and love will one day die. The flesh-eating corpses are just window dressing for an experience you'll carry with you long after you've turned the console off. By the time the final credits roll, you'll need a stiff drink.

Now that we've played the whole story arc, there's no reason to evade the hyperbole. The Walking Dead offers a level of narrative quality that outshines anything else currently available in gaming. It makes the TV series of the same name look dull, poorly paced, and insignificant. These are the most important games released this year, and we simply can't recommend them enough.

Download the episode here for 400 MP.

The OXM verdict

  • More nasty plot developments
  • No compulsory puzzle section
  • Strong direction & pacing
  • We're crying like a baby
  • Slightly-off character motivation
The score

A fantastic end to a superb series

Xbox 360
Telltale inc.
Telltale inc.
Adventure, Point and Click


23 comments so far...

  1. I haven't bothered with any of these yet but was glad to hear there's a boxed version on it's way. Seems like a must buy to me. All the episodes seem to have scored very very well with critics and regular gamers alike. Not that you critics aren't regular gamers yourselves

  2. I should really pick up the first one sometime soon xD

  3. I resent the idea that I'm a regular gamer. If anything, I'm vastly below-par. :wink:

  4. I resent the idea that I'm a regular gamer. If anything, I'm vastly below-par. :wink:

    I thought you were a pirate (the eye-patch pigeon-shouldered somalian type, not the illegally downloading type).

    Good stuff, I'll start them soon if I ever complete AC3...

  5. Playing it now and expected it would be kinda nasty and tough choices.

    Plus Matt was responsible for one of the longest threads ever with DD which he did pretty good at himself. :wink:

  6. Not read the review for fear of spoilers, just looked at the score and the positives/negatives - nice to know it's another good one. Downloading it as I type (along with I Am Alive, SVC: Streets of Rage & South Park: Tenorman's Revenge from the sales) and will be playing it a little bit later. Depending on how the finale goes, The Walking Dead may well be my game of the year.

  7. I should probably note that the review is spoiler-free, I can't stand it when people include any plot details.

  8. I resent the idea that I'm a regular gamer. If anything, I'm vastly below-par. :wink:

    Due to the influx of incredibly foul mouthed yet very skilled American kids aren't we all now vastly below par. My gaming life currently is mostly spent with the virtual testicles of these beings resting on my forehead

  9. Well just finished,wow what a rollercoaster.Great series all the way through and a real thought provoker with some of the decisions.Will be great if the next lot continue on from now,can't wait and expect they will be as good if not better than these five. :D

  10. Nice to know Matt, I'd already gone off to play it, though.

    Assuming you watched the post-credit sequence, I think season 2 will follow on from where this one left off.

    With this episode more than any other I'd really like to see all the ways it can differ - I had 3 in my group (excluding me) for this episode, but it's possible to have had 4, 2, or 1 made up of different combinations as well. If I hadn't have had one of them with me a heartbreaking bit either wouldn't have happened, or would've been significantly less impactful. Other choices could've made quite significant differences, too.

  11. Yeah i didn't want to come straight out and say it will probably follow on.Will be interesting and have left it with a mini cliffhanger.I am def. going through a couple more times i didn't always go with the majority especially near the start.

  12. I largely went with the majority at the start, it's towards the end I started to stray from the majority vote.

    The same nonsense bits mentioned in the review I picked up and there have been a few in previous episodes too, but they don't nearly stop it from being amazing. The only thing I disagree with is Episode 4 being the weakest - it's still my favourite!

    *Edit: FFS, don't try to rewind to an earlier point in Episode 5; I just did and it sent me back to the start of the first one, saving and losing all my progress.

  13. Yeah know what you mean wasn't it also one of the longest except for maybe 2 was it,on the farm ???.Plus how it ended you knew it was gonna hit the fan in this one.

    Edit: Oooerr really.I had to quit out after Live had a fit and wouldn't let me sign back in until about the third attempt and it was alright.Not sure if my GS has updated though despite the cheevos popping i am sure it is the same as before i played it,maybe just me though.

  14. It was easily the longest, this one felt tiny in comparison. 2 was on the farm and my second favourite episode. I loved them all, but 3 kinda bored me after getting to the train, it's easily the weakest for me.

  15. This was a great episode, but it felt a bit short to me. I'd probably say the second episode was the best, and the third was the worst.

  16. The achievements work fine for this one, Clanger; they were added to a few days ago.

  17. Cheers Schwepter thought it was probably me couldn't remember what my GS was before and with it only being another one hundred.

  18. Have just completed this final episode.

    What an awesome games the whole of the walking dead has been and the finale is brilliant.

    For sure the best games I've downloaded this year.

    I wonder if telltale will do another round of episodes?

  19. They have already mentioned they are gonna be doing some more.Plus given the ending it may just follow straight on as well.

  20. Really enjoyed the series and great ending, but, how short was episode 5! Can't help feeling a little disappointed on that score but think I will start the entire thing again and make different choices to see how things end up.

  21. Im going to be honest with everyone here this is one the the best games or series I've ever played and the ending i shed tears and i haven't cried in a good ten years

  22. A great finale to what's been a fantastic series. It'll be interesting to see where they go with the second 'season', surely it will carry on with Clem seeing what happened in the epilogue, I assume that was Omid and Christa.

  23. the only problem i had with this episode is that it felt cut short... i mean those who have played it know that at the end a certain character has to find the other 2... and i dont think they expanded enough on what happened to her. i hope there is a sequel :?: