
  1. Co-design for : working together to meet the challenges of an exascale system by 2020

  2. RT : Today Tech Talk: James Sweet on EPCC, 2pm F12 Merchiston Campus All welcome

  3. Energy efficiency in parallel technologies & the race to : introducing our new project, ADEPT.

  4. e-Infrastructure Leadership Council: One Year On Report - resources, capability, skills, sustainability, software

  5. Software training for scientific researchers: do more, with less pain... And it's FREE! 3-4 Dec, Edinburgh

  6. EPCC's new hardware is available for use by Computational Simulation, Maths and HPC researchers.

  7. EPCC's new ADEPT project will investigate energy efficiency in parallel technologies.

  8. Fortissimo proj will develop a Cloud of HPC resources, offering simulation & modelling to European SMEs

  9. Our new Fortissimo proj will develop a of resources, offering simulation & modelling to European SMEs

  10. New hardware at EPCC available for use by Computational Simulation, Maths and HPC researchers. Find out more:

  11. Software Carpentry Boot Camp for scientific researchers: do more, with less pain. 3-4 Dec, Edinburgh

  12. (Managed-code MPI) is a new message-passing library written in pure C#. Read more on our EPCC blog

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