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Review: Cave Story (3DS eShop)

Jonathan Holmes
8:00 PM on 10.04.2012
Review: Cave Story (3DS eShop) photo

For those of you who have lost count, this is the third time that I've reviewed Cave Story, and the second time I've reviewed it on the 3DS platform. That may sound like a lot, but I've actually been slacking. This eShop-specific version of the game marks the fifth time that publisher Nicalis has put Cave Story (WiiWare, DSiWare, Steam/iTunes, 3DS retail, eShop) up for sale.

The more cynical among us may scoff and say that Nicalis is just milking Cave Story for the big money it brings in. That's not the case. Nicalis could get a lot more potential profits from spending time on publishing games that people don't already have access to.

No, the reason that Nicalis keeps re-releasing Cave Story is that the company's CEO Tyrone Rodriguez really loves Cave Story. I think he wants to marry it. For real.

There's good reason for that. Cave Story is one of the most re-playable, continually enjoyable games I've ever encountered. This new release is among the best, if not the best, version released yet.

Cave Story (3DS eShop)
Developer: Pixel, Nicalis
Publisher: Nicalis
Release: October 4, 2012 
MSRP: $9.99

This latest iteration of Cave Story was made to replace the DSiWare version of the game released in 2010. Tyrone and Cave Story creator Daisuke "Pixel" Amaya weren't happy with how that version looked on the 3DS, so they went all out on adapting the game for the newer console. Sadly, technical limitations prohibited them from making this new version a free update to Cave Story DSiWare.

Nicalis and Pixel did their best to make up for that by loading up the eShop version with new content. The resolution and playable screen size have been optimized for the 3DS, stereoscopic 3D has been added, the DSiWare's unique feature (Jukebox mode) is still in, and all the modes from Cave Story+ on Steam -- Boss Rush, Sanctuary Time Attack, Curly Story, Wind Fortress, and Nemesis Challenge -- are all here as well.

If you're new to Cave Story, check out the review Anthony Burch (writer of Borderlands 2 and Dtoid alum) penned for the original freeware version of the game back in 2006, and/or my review of the WiiWare port back in 2010 (and if you're really curious, the review of the 3DS retail version from 2011). That's where you can get a look at what the main game is all about. For the rest of this review, we'll be focusing on the things that make this new release of Cave Story different from the prior versions we've reviewed.

Lets start with the bad news first. The game is missing the larger, redrawn graphics from the WiiWare/Steam/iOS version of the game. Thankfully, the small screen size on the 3DS makes the "old" graphics looks almost identical to the new ones. Ultimately, those new graphics have become largely unnecessary. Their more detailed look was originally put into place in order to make the characters look less flat. The game's 3D display accomplishes the same goal without altering the original artwork. This may be the original art, but this is still the most crisp, well-defined, pronounced version of Cave Story yet. 

It's not just the 3D that's responsible for the game's sharp new look. Cave Story eShop has been custom fit for the 3DS' larger screen size, resulting in a sharper level of definition and a stronger sense of place than the DSiWare version. With the action zoomed out, more activity can fit on screen at once, and players will be likely to less likely to focus in on one of the (now smaller) characters with so much going on at one time. That can help the player to take in everything going on and make more informed decisions. It's easier to string a series of jumps or dodge a volley of attacks when you can see them all coming. As much as I prefer the widescreen look, you can revert to original dimensions if you want.

The game's controls are also customizable, allowing you to flip the jump button and shoot buttons to suit your fancy. There are a few other balancing tweaks that truly diehard fans may appreciate, but most fans might not pick up on. For instance, the in-game map no longer runs along the bottom screen at all times, which encourages the player to not rely too heavily on it. That's not something that everyone will notice or even care about, but it's an example of the care that went into this revamp.

The Boss Rush, Sanctuary Time Attack, and Curly Story modes are just as they were in the WiiWare version. The more notable additions here are the two modes imported from Cave Story+: Wind Fortress and Nemesis Challenge. Both are adapted from level designs from the unreleased beta of the original Cave Story, and are just well-designed as any parts of the main game. They might be even a little better, as both modes assume that the player is skilled enough to get through the game's campaign, and are therefore ready for the roughest stuff that Cave Story can offer.

The Wind Fortress starts with a fantastic platforming section where the player's skills at jumping and hovering with precision are immediately pushed to the limit. Your weaponry is limited to the Blade and the Spur, which limits your defensive options when the screen quickly fills with jerkface flying insects that love to knock you to your death. They make mid-air safety a bit of a problem. From there, the focus turns to action, with new enemies and a new boss fight which are focused on tense, nail-biting shootouts. I don't want to spoil what happens, but I'll tell you that the Wind Fortress is a real love letter to the fans.

The Nemesis Challenge is an even harsher test of player skill. It starts you off with just ten health, the Booster 0.8 (which allows you to hover for only brief period of time) and the Nemesis, the strangest weapon in the Cave Story world. The base stats for the Nemesis are fairly good, but if you grab even one power up, the gun gets substantially worse in both power and range. Just two power ups will take the weapon to its maximum "upgrade," where it shoots harmless rubber ducks. The only way to make the gun more effective again is to take a hit, forcing the player to swap health for firepower.

With only ten health and a horde of enemies in your face, the temptation will be to take down foes fast. The downside to that strategy is that killing enemies is the fastest way to fill the screen with power-ups, which is the last thing you want to do with the Nemesis. Those conditions reward a player who is able to dodge enemies as opposed to destroying them, though that's a lot easier said than done. On top of that, the level design of Nemesis Challenge is about as precarious as it gets. Platforms are few and far between. Combining that stress with the pressure to play in pacifistic style makes for a unique series of obstacles that even the most seasoned Cave Story veterans wont easily overcome.

Hopefully by now it's clear that I love Cave Story for eShop, but there are a few things that keep me from proclaiming that it's the only version of the game you have to play. It lacks the highly detailed backgrounds and additional level designs found in the 3DS retail version of the game (like the Inner Wall) and the previously mentioned sprites from the WiiWare/Steam/iOS remakes. It also lacks the full Christmas and soon-to-be-released [redacted] Holiday themed skins found on the Steam version of Cave Story+ (though you do get the Reindeer and Vampire sprite swaps from the WiiWare port). 

That said, there is no one version of Cave Story that has everything. This new release has just as much content as any other version of the game, if not more. Overall, it stands right alongside Cave Story+ as one of the best, if not the best, version of Cave Story to date.


9.5 /10
Superb: A hallmark of excellence. There may be flaws, but they are negligible and won't cause massive damage to what is a supreme title. Check out more reviews or the Destructoid score guide.

Legacy Comments (will be imported soon)

I'd get it if I hadn't already bought Cave Story+ on Steam and the DSiWare port. Nicalis is milking it.
While this sounds great, I can't in good faith buy another copy of this game.
goat nuke pretty much summed it up
Cool. Now can we get La-Mulana remade and re-released ad nauseam?
I feel ripped off for buying cavestory 3D
This version looks awesome. Can't until I get paid and can download it. :D
Milk it forever, Nicalis. Some games are so charming and fulfilling that they deserve releases for ALL the platforms. Like Okami, or Persona 3. If I could have Cave Story on my regular ass non-smartphone, I'd pay to have it there too.

Money spent collectively on Cave Story: ~$100

Times I've regretted it: 0.
I have never ever played cave story....ever. Would the be a good time to start :P
I only bought this cause my copy on Steam is officially dead. Just wish this version had the super well done updated graphics that CS+ had, as charming as the original pixel art is.
i wish theyd release this on the vita instead of another nintendo system for like the 5th time
Serious question; hasnt this game been released on 3ds like 3 different times.
I dunno if it matters much but I LOVE that the bottom screen dims out when your not using it on this version of cave story. It looks nice on the XL. I'd figure it'll look like butt on the blown up screen like with new super mario bros 2. I didn't notice it untill I was doing co-op with my brother. He was playing on the regular 3ds and nsmb2 looks a lot better on the regular 3ds
It's crazy that I've gone this long without playing Cave Story. I'd get the wii version but part of me feels like this would make a great handheld game. So maybe I'll buy it when/if I ever get a 3DS...
I love that this version uses the original sprites and music, but a bunch of the character portraits are the "revamped" versions (like Toroko and Misery which I liked the originals more). Eh. Maybe Pixel prefers those ones. Nitpicks, nitpicks. This looks beautiful on the XL.
Great game, and one of the few contemporary 2D platformers to match the scope and depth of the classics like Metroid.
I am in the same boat as jecht35. I have bought it on Steam but never played it. Once I heard about this version I decided to wait because I felt like this is the kind of game that I would be more comfortable playing on a handheld.

I am super pumped to play this now.
I've already purchased Cave Story three separate times now, Cave Story 3D included. I'm not afraid to buy it once more.
I do feel a little ripped off, having spent the same exact price for the DSiWare version. Oh well, those 3D graphics are ballin'. Plus more content, so I guess I'll buy.
definitely getting both versions :D
@prince, I think the dsiware cave story is removed from the eshop. It'll be there for download if you already purchased it.
Also great review Holmes! You gave me exactly the information I needed to know for this title and you did it splendidly. I thought that I might have to bounce all over the internet to get the info on the exact features I was worried about, but you had my back.
I completely believe you when you say that they're not doing it for the money. If they wanted money they might actually release it in Pal regions at some point.
For a site that has writers that are pretty adamant about jumping on the button about not doing reviews of games that have already been reviewed just because it was released on a new platforn, when readers actually ask for them, you sure take it on yourself to do it at your whim and fancy for the weakest reasons.

I'll be waiting for the next 79 releases of Cave Story to be reviewed so I can repeat this all again and be just as redundant as the releases and your reviews. I really can't wait.
I'm not sure which version to buy, as you say there is also a retail version... then again this one is cheaper. *confused*
@Nicholas, the retail version is Cave Story completely remade with 3D polygonal graphics, the eShop version is the original game presented in stereoscopic 3D.
I already have the game on Wii, then again on DSi when I didn't think I'd have access to my Wii again (system-locked content and all) and then once more for the PC version in an indie bundle. I'm done buying this game.

I kind of wish I knew what kind of responsibilities have kept Pixel from making a new game, because there has to be more to the guy's talent than a squid game and the amazing Cave Story.
Cave Stroy is a shit game and this is a shit gaming website.
Alrighty Letters numbers and spacers are ok; that's enough internet for you for today, young man.
2004 cave story was made and released for free
2012 the same game with very small changes is sold online for ten bucks
almost a re-release of an old retro game now.
Isn't it about time for a sequel?
Heck about the time a franchise gets lifted up and renewed.

I really don't like Nicalis and think they aren't very trust worthy.
At this point they have to be milking it.
FUCK! Where the hell is my 3Ds charger!!!?? Finally I have something I want to play (and I'm willing to pay)
Good review Holmes, I own none of the versions of this game so I'll definitely get this version.
Now an IOS remake was mentioned in this article but such a thing does not exist as far as I know... not cool dude... I would pay real money (YES REAL MONEY) for a vita or ios version of this game. I feel like an ass asking for this game to be rererererererererereleased though

@runtaylor I think the controls are too precise for iOS. I know it's just jump and shoot but directional controls are terrible on touchscreens.

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