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Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Chisholm: Our culture of death goes beyond guns

Copyright 2013 Summit Daily News. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed. January, 15 2013 8:08 pm

Chisholm: Our culture of death goes beyond guns

President Obama called Dec. 14 “the worst day in his presidency,” a thought shared by most of our nation. He now is calling for gun control as a by-product to the tragic death of 20 children and eight adults — some of them died trying to save the children. Many people in America agree that gun control is the best answer to humans killing humans. And another legal-political solution to the culture of death could be codified into law. But could this be part of the irrational destruction of the Constitution and the state-controlled evolution of the America we now live in?

Our Second Amendment was a top priority in our most important document, the Constitution. The right to bear arms gave the individual American the ability to protect the home and family and to protect the individual from the tyranny of government — foreign and domestic.

On that terrible day in Connecticut another tragedy was taking place and was not noted in a single national news source. Over 4,000 children were killed in the abortion mills of America — a horrible statistic in our ever-evolving “Culture of Death.” And it happens every day in our country.

I have a modest proposal for the president to help in the effort to stop the growing “Culture of Death,” especially death for those unable to protect themselves from automatic weapons and from drugs and surgical instruments that kill the very young and the old. The president and his party leaders could lead in overturning the bad laws that permit abortion (Roe vs Wade) and fund abortions (Obamacare) that stop the lives of over a million American children in our country each year. They can also make good laws that stop the video games and movies that promote, teach and train our children and adults to the violence of killing other humans.

I am sure the president could become a leader in America's return to a “Culture of Life” and bring bipartisan support for any national legislation protecting our right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. If he would support overturning Roe vs Wade, maybe, Jan. 22 could be the best and happiest day in his presidency and in our America.

Donald Chisholm M.D., Dillon

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