
The PA Report

The Penny Arcade Report

"Games Journalism" is broken. Many sites suffer from forced output cycles, "news" about cakes, and playing along with the industry PR machine. We can do better.


Penny Arcade has never been about breaking news, and this is no time to start. Our focus will be on longer form journalism with in-depth research, interviews and data, highlighting aspects of the gaming lifestyle that many would miss at first glance. Reviews and previews of games and hardware will certainly be a part of the content, but the discussion will be less on specs and more on experience. We want people to not only see new aspects of the industry, but think about games in a different way.

The Cut

We know you're a busy person. You've got a job, a life, and of course, all those games you need to play. Trying to wade through the hundreds of stories each day doesn't seem reasonable, unless you're like us and part of your job is to do just that. The editorial staff at the PA Report will be selecting three to five stories each day - The Cut - that we feel you absolutely should not miss. They will focus on cultural and industry relevance with the goal of keeping you up to date without making you read every headline out there.


The Cut



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