Leg Workouts For Men

The Guaranteed Solution To Your Chicken Legs

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Leg Workouts

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"I'm getting really tired of having guys approach me to say, 'Man, I wish I had your legs.'" Tweet This Quote

Interested in packing on pounds of new muscle mass on your upper legs? Sick and tired of being known as the guy with chicken legs? Ready to learn some tips and tricks to build a great pair of wheels so you can finally wear a pair of shorts with confidence?

It's no secret that muscular legs come down to this dreaded fact: You have to train legs. Not only do you have to train them, but you have to train them hard. This article will teach you how to do so efficiently.

This means you have to dish out punishment in an intelligent way so that the leg muscles are forced to grow but so that you don't spend the next six days moving around in a wheelchair. Yes, we're going to make you sore, but being sore for longer than three or four days is a clear sign that you overdid it.

Tip No. 1 - Split Your Week Up Into A Quad-Dominant Day & Hip-Dominant Day
If your legs have been a tough body part for you, then begin by splitting your quads and hips (when I say "hips" I'm referencing the hams, lower back and glutes) into separate workout days.

On a five-day split, you could train quads on Monday and hips on Friday. This method allows you to give equal attention to the front of your legs and back of your legs.

Here's a sample leg-prioritization training split:

Monday - Quads Priority + One Hip Exercise
Tuesday - Chest + Abs
Wednesday - Back + Calves
Thursday - Off
Friday - Hips Priority + One Quad Exercise
Saturday - Shoulders, Biceps, Triceps
Sunday - Off

A quad-dominant day could include single joint exercises like leg extensions and multi-joint exercises like leg presses, back squats, front squats, forward lunges, reverse lunges, one-leg squats, wall squats, hack squats, Bulgarian-split squats, smith-machine squats, vertical leg press and all single limb variations.

A hip-dominant day could include single joint exercises like leg curls or back extensions, and multi-joint exercises like deadlifts, sumo-style deadlifts, stiff-leg deadlifts, Romanian deadlifts, feet wide/elevated leg press and all single limb variations.

Tip No. 2 - Prioritize Your Legs For At Least 6 Weeks
I'm getting really tired of having guys approach me to say, "Man, I wish I had your legs." I always shake my head and think to myself, "You could -- if you stopped training chest three times a week!"

Many people are afraid to take time away from their upper body in fear of "losing" their gains. That couldn't be any further from the truth. The only way you'll lose size on your upper body is if you stop training it completely. So throw that fear out the window.

Once you get your legs going twice a week, not only will you have a more proportional and symmetrical physique, but everything else will grow, too, because of the effects of hard training on your hormone levels.

Start training your legs regularly and hit your lower body with the right intensity and frequency, and your entire body will keep on growing. Six weeks of dedicated leg training, two times per week, will get you growing for weeks. Next Page >>

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By Vince Del Monte Vince Del Monte
Vince Del Monte graduated with honors in kinesiology and is a best-selling author. He’s called the Skinny Guy Savior by over 80,000 formerly skinny guys and gals who have followed his No Nonsense Muscle Building training and nutrition approach without drugs or bogus supplements.
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