Bugs and Errors

Skip Rinoa
This is a glitch allowing you to skip the scene where Squall meets Rinoa in her bedroom on the Forest Owls train, effectively not adding her to your party. However, she will later enter the party automatically in the Galbadia Sewers.

Directions coming soon!

Mirrored text
Screenshot 1 On the disc 2 FMV where the Galbadia Garden forces pentrate Balamb Garden, the text on the motorbikes is reserved. On one side, it displays "08A", while on the other it displays "A80".

The modellers created one side, then decided to flip it, effectively creating another side with half of the work. However, because of this, the text was also flipped. I guess they assumed no one would notice.

Screenshot 2

Mirrored text 2
Screenshot 1 On the disc 3 FMV where Squall and Rinoa find the Ragnarok in space, the text "ESTHAR" on the wing is mirrored. Its cause is likely the same as above, although there are no views of the non-mirrored text.

Fieldmap Text Errors
• Upon entering Timber Town for the first time, Watts will say "Oh, the forests of Timber sure has changed!". This should be "have".

US-only Disc 1 Fieldmap Text Errors
• "GF gives us strength. The stronger"

• "Just follow the faction's orders."

• "I was on the Garden Festival Committee"

• "But...there's no one on the committee here."

• "Who wants to be on the Garden Festival Committee!? C'mon everyone, join!"

"The field exam took place in Dollet. I was a member of squad A, the intelligence team." The correct squad was "squad B", a change made in the UK version.

• "Maybe if he joins the Garden Festival Committee, he could do the recruiting?"

"My bother's an excellent swimmer, too!" Obviously this was supposed to be "brother's", which was fixed in the UK version.

• "WOW! I just got in from Fishermans Horizon. This city is so overwhelming!"

• "I know the Fishermans Horizon rules."

• "You want go to [Galbadia Garden]?"

Text errors in the menu
  • Items»Weapons Mon. Jun: Red Scorpion
    "It's strength comes from the dragon skin, while it's flexibility comes from the Ochu tentacle."
    "It's" is supposed to be "its".

  • Items»Combat King 005
    "Learn this skill, My Final Heaven, down and check out the high-speed thrashing!"
    This probably should've been "Write this skill, My Final Heaven, down".

  • Items»Rosetta Stone
    "GF learns abilityx4 ability"
    First letter should be capatalized, as the ability is named "Abilityx4", and other ability descriptions capatalize the ability name.

  • Tutorial»Information»Status»Status Type>[various]
    There is no consensus on the use of "Time Lapse" or "Time lapse". The following say "Time lapse": (probably correct)
    - Shell
    - Doom
    - Invincible
    - Petrifying
    - Float

    The following say "Time Lapse":
    - Sleep
    - Haste
    - Slow
    - Stop
    - Regen
    - Protect
    - Reflect
    - Aura
    - Curse

  • Tutorial»Information»Status»Status Type»Angel Wing
    "Disable targets commands"...
    This should be "target's". I apologize for the lack of context.

  • Tutorial»Information»Information»Terms»SeeD Written Test
    "However, you can only takes take up to Squall's level."
    The most suitable alternative would be "take tests", but I'm not sure what it was intended to be.

  • Tutorial»Information»Information»Terms»Lunar Cry
    "This phenonmenon has occured"...
    Correct word is "phenomenon" I think the second part may have been my mistake while writing notes.

Strange physics
• The buses in Deling City can be ran through after a couple of seconds pushing against them. Although I can see the reasoning for this, I'm not sure how it's supposed to be possible.

• After you acquire the Ragnarok, go to Balamb Town. Make sure Zell is in your party. Standing next to a gas pump will be a man - talk to the him. He will say that a girl with pigtails went to Zell's house. Go there, and talk to Ma Dincht. Then go to Balamb Garden (at Fisherman's Horizon). Go into the library, and there will be a girl reading a book. Talk to her BACK, ie. WHILE YOU ARE BEHIND HER. The book should be floating behind her when she finishes talking. (unconfirmed, found by Kevin Horton)

• Go to the second floor hall of Galbadia Garden. Keep getting in the way of the man in the wheelchair. Sometimes you will see him floating around next to his wheelchair. (unconfirmed, found by Thibaut Hox)
Game Guide

Game Info.
Easter Eggs
Bugs and Errors
Regional Changes
Hidden in the Game

Release Info.
Release Data
Demo Data
Promo Material

Yoshitaka Amano
Tetsuya Nomura
Yusuke Naora
Unknown Artists

CG Artwork
Official Wallpaper
Promo Images

Tech Demo
Desktop Access.
Press Releases
Materials appearing exlusively in FINAL FANTASY® VIII™ and other FINAL FANTASY® video games are copyright of Square Enix™ Co., Ltd.          © Matt Carroll