Video Review - Kentucky Route Zero


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  • Jan 11, 2013

Kevin VanOrd serches for Route Zero in this video review.


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Yet another genius indy game unfolding.. These are good times :)


Looks really cool.. I want to try this game.


The graphics and atmosphere look incredible, but looks kinda boring, and with so much dialog they really do need some speech.




@kickpig You can say that again

Edit: Actually you can ask that again :)


I love the ghost story atmosphere, not knowing who's real, and it ends on the perfect note because of this tension. I actually quite liked creating Shannon's character without knowing not much background, it gave a chance for player expression. 

If you're expecting challenging puzzles, this is not the adventure game for you. They even state this on their website: "Gameplay is more focused on characterization, atmosphere and storytelling rather than clever puzzles or challenges of skill". Exploring on the road brought some moments that other players might not have, like discovering the road accident, or realizing Conway had a previous life as a roof repair man.


Seems to me like a preview would have been a more appropriate way to gain this title exposure. Hold the review off until all the chapters have been released.


@PatchMaster A preview for a product available to people for money makes no sense at all (unless you're the developer and have something to hide). It's not about an "appropriate way to gain this title exposure" lol...that is up to the team that made it. It's about letting potential customers HONESTLY know what to expect. 

But you think we should part with our money before knowing more about it, hmmm...right-o.

@KevinVanOrd - Nice review ;)


@LE5LO @PatchMaster A preview after release makes no sense? Is that why Giant Bomb does quick looks? Is that why publishers release demos of their games after release?

And yes, to some degree the review IS about exposure. Seeing as this is an indie game, the editors have no pressure on them or obligation to review it. Voluntary coverage is one of the only ways for people to learn about a game like this. I highly doubt Cardboard Computer has much of a marketing budget with which to entice you.
Sorry, but I think reviewing episodic content isn't a good idea. Episodes are simply a way to structure a story driven game, not a way to divide your game into five separate titles to be reviewed individually. You're reviewing only part of a game; a game which in the end will more than likely be greater than the sum of its parts. Just look at The Walking Dead... right-o.


@PatchMaster A preview comes before release, NEVER after, if GameSpot were to omit reviewing a IGF finalist that would be highly ignorant of such a well known site. Not everyone has the time to sit and watch a 'Quick' look, or play a demo, however people like myself will MAKE the time to watch a VERY quick subjective review from an experienced reviewer, this will always be the most convenient way to get an idea of the product before purchasing it. 

So this chapter may not represent what is to come in the future of this series, but why invest in this first part at all if it is not your thing? At least a review is informative without spoiling the plot points ala a 'Quick' look.

So, I'll ask you now...what would be a better way to do this then? A misleading 10 minute preview where you see the first puzzle, ie. the glow in the dark dice, and being a fan of puzzle games you purchase it, only to be let down by the rest of it? Or just a montage, that sucks you in like a hollywood movie by showing the bits with the highest production value, then you buy it, only to realise that the content that makes up the game in-between those clips is quite shallow?

Walking Dead is an experience where your choices have consequences, where was that to be seen in this game? Even Kevin alluded to the fact the your choices have no consequence throughout this first chapter. Can you say for sure that your actions will be remembered in the next installment, no? Didn't think so. I'm done mate, and you're wasting your time here trying to convince me a preview is the right way of doing this.

Cheers, goodbye.

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