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Photo of Isle of Man Government

Isle of Man Government

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Foreword by the Chief Minister of the Isle of Man the Hon Allan Bell MHK

I am delighted that the Isle of Man Government and Douglas Development Partnership have worked with DisabledGo since February 2006 to provide this great service for residents and visitors to the Island. Together we are moving towards making the Isle of Man as friendly as possible for people with a disability.

The DisabledGo-Isle of Man Access Guide opens the door to over 1200 of the Island's buildings and activities including hotels, restaurants, shops and businesses giving information about access. The Island has a superb range of attractions from heritage sites, theatres, nature reserves and countryside; the Guide gives details on access so that as many people as possible can enjoy them.

Not every service or attraction has been included but the website is being reviewed annually and updated regularly. We will be relying on feedback from the site operators and you to tell us about any changes and to add new places as appropriate. The DisabledGo website can be used in conjunction with the Government website to gain a fuller picture of all that the Island can offer.

The idea for this Guide was promoted by the Tynwald Advisory Committee for Disabilities (formerly the Chronically Sick and Disabled Persons Committee), which is a statutory body appointed by Tynwald – the Isle of Man Parliament. The Committee felt there was a need to have a directory that provided accessible information for people with a disability, on how they can go out and enjoy the many services and venues that make up the rich cultural life of the Island. This project with DisabledGo was ideal for doing that as well as opening up the Island to disabled people worldwide.

I want to thank the local third sector organisations who help and support the disabled members of our community and have been involved in the production and maintenance of this Guide. Their support and advice on the design and content of the site has been invaluable.

The Guide represents a significant step forward in raising awareness of what is accessible and hopefully encourage a drive towards better access and a higher quality of life for all over the next few years. It's a service that aims to enable people with disabilities to get the most out of life in the Island.

Councillor Photo