DmC gets blasted in Metacritic user ratings

Users attack game for its narrative and simplistic combat.

Despite winning over the critics, Ninja Theory's reboot of the Devil May Cry series has taken a solid drubbing on its Metacritic user score page.

The Xbox 360 version of the game is currently sitting on an 86 Metascore at the time of writing, but the user score is a significantly lower 3.0 after 288 reviews.

Many of the complaints are aimed squarely at Ninja Theory's characters and narrative, with many criticising some of the late-game (and spoiler-filled) actions of Dante and his acquaintances.

Another common criticism is the level of difficulty, with many accusing it of being too simple for their tastes even on its more challenging modes.

Ninja Theory's take on the series has divided fans since its announcement, but most critics have embraced the game. The new combat approach alongside its attempts to engage with themes of capitalism and corporation in particular have been praised in reviews. "Sure, you may baulk at Dante's trendy new haircut, or maybe even miss a little of that B-movie Devil May Cry insanity," said GameSpot's Mark Walton in his 8.0 review of DmC, "but the heart of what makes the series so enticing and so much fun to play holds true here."

"DmC pulls off that unlikely reboot trick of feeling fresh and inviting while still holding onto what made the original series so appealing and so special. There's no point in looking back: Dante has got a brand-new future in front of him, and if DmC: Devil May Cry is anything to go by, it's going to be a great one."

Martin Gaston
By Martin Gaston, News Editor

Has absolutely never at all had the song from Beauty and the Beast sung to him at any point during his life, ever.

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Played all the DMC games and this new one is just plain amazing. Through the roof production values, insane graphics and super fluid gameplay. I'm not far yet enough in the game to judge the story, but so far it seems fine, and its good enough to capture your attention. Basically, this user review fiasco should be ignored completely as we have already seen this type of behavior many times before for many different games. I'm glad I trusted the real critics on this one. 


Call of Duty Black Ops 2 also got blasted on metacritic user scores but no one hears about that.

ultimatetadpole 1 Like

This game is absolutely terrible, a 4 at best. The story and writing are the product of a 12 year old kid who's read too much V For Vendetta. The graphics are terrible, which creepy looking character models that put everything firmly in the Uncanny Valley. The music is an insult to every talented musician to ever make music: a clusterbomb of drop-D guitars thrashing at background wubs made by a kid on FruityLoops. The gameplay is just an insult. It's pathetically easy and I breezed through the demo on Son of Sparda difficulty without being hit once. It took everything to even complete the game on SoS in 4 and you would die dozens of times! The axe one hits everything and gives you an SSS rating without even trying. There is no reason, and no means, to do any of the stylish combat DMC is known for. Chaining combos together takes barely and skill and practise, and why use them when the axe destroys everything? This game is an insult to the previous DMCs and should be reviewed comparing them to the older games. It's the same genre and series, what possible explanation is there for just pretending they don't exist when it comes to DmC? This game is awful and it's fans are awful. I played through the demo and have every right to express my outrage at the direction this series I loved so much is going in. Also note: I didn't once mention Dante's hair, that's just a crutch supporters fall back on when they realise they don't have any legitimate counter-arguments to why the game is bad.

Articuno76 2 Like

It's all well and good that the critics have their opinion  but why is it that in pieces like this we are constantly seemingly forcefully being given their opinion again.  It's almost as if the media conspired together to portray the game in a particular light, or like they are getting paid to (which I don't honestly think they are).  These articles always have some kind of 'slant' to them that is a little unnerving.


I just noticed the Hipster Dbag that wrote this article..... I bet he LOVES this game LMAO Those giant glasses better be prescription Bub.


The game is terrible. its way too easy. the art style is ugly. the characters are annoying. dante in this game in not likeable at all. the game is glitchy. the music, oh god the music... its TERRIBLE!! I never liked ninja theory and this is strike 3 for me. I will never buy another one of their games again.

evagelios 2 Like

I prefer this DMC over all the others. 

New characters feel like they could exist in reality, give or take a few supernatural things. New Dante pulls off being a badass without having to make me feel like I'm  in an episode of some anime I am half-heartedly watching.

Combat and puzzles and platforming arent too terribly difficult, but its FUN. And the more I game the more I notice people complaining about whats NOT there more often than what you're given.

I get the whole, hating to see your old heroes in new forms thing. But being a megaman fan I have seen, and played my fair share of strange megaman iterations and again, loved them for what they offered, not for what their predecessors did.


Last boss epic fight. Cant wait for a sequel.


People evaluate DmC not for what it really is, but what the other DMC games are! I've seen this happen with dragon age 2 as well... DmC is a great game, with a great gameplay and good graphics! It's not DMC 3 or stuff, it's DmC! 

M3o5nster 1 Like

@ipinto1441 Yup, Dragon Age 2 is a perfect example for this...

Not gonna say whether that's a good or bad thing.

Aspire85 4 Like

I bought this on it's release date (and have actually played it unlike most of those megacritic 'reviewers') and I happen to think it's one of the best in the series.

People that think for themselves should pick this up and give it a try.

LukeWesty 4 Like

So we all agree that the new DMC is totally garbage?... thought it would be, didnt even wanna finish the demo never mind the full game.

santinegrete 1 Like

This is feedbackula material. Where is that hypster that passionately defended femminism in the last episodes? Lol, just grinding you gears mister, love your show.

threefingered 5 Like

Fans of the series are taking this all way too seriously. This game is a great addition to the Franchise, which needed a fresh take/reboot...

Boil it down and you have :

A great narrative

Excellent storytelling

Excellent gameplay

Great variety

Great graphics

Replay value

...What's not to like...?


@threefingered Personally I don't think the series necessarily needed a reboot, I would have been super stoked for a Devil May Cry 5. I'm not dissing the reboot, I played the demo a couple of times to get a feel for it and I thought it was pretty sweet apart from the devil trigger and especially the boss fight. 

Plasmid_king 7 Like

@threefingered a trite narrative. derivitive story.  mediocre gameplay.  repetition and monotony.  average graphics.  no replay value.  Deal with it and move on.


@Plasmid_king : Seen your post and I know you are pretty pissed with Capcom ;), but did you really play this DMC?

Galford4000 2 Like


Played the demo and hated every second of it, if it was supposed to excite me and make want to play anymore it did a piss poor job...

theend3r 4 Like

@santinegrete The gameplay really is medicore and not only for current post bayonetta standards, even for some pretty old games.

finalfantasy94 1 Like

Pretty sure most of the reviews are people who just saw vids and dont like dante look and thats about it.



Given we were really pissed about the new look I gave the demo a try and disliked the gameplay changes a lot! And every cutscene in the demo and everything else I youtubed I hated espescially it's unnatural and out of place swearing! I wouldn't pay $60 To try the full game and I'm not sure I'd even pay 5. 


@Galford4000 @finalfantasy94 That fixed camera nonsense that the original DMC games all had is GOD AWFUL and the story always sucked.  Anyone who says they like those aspects of the old games is full of crap.  


@FreedomPrime @push88 @Galford4000 @finalfantasy94 ... and that same fixed camera crap is what ruined the last installment of the Legacy of Kain/Soul Reaver series.  I couldn't be happier that they did away with that and tweaked the button mapping.


@push88 @Galford4000 @finalfantasy94 never had a problem with it. usually the angles were at a point where you could see the entire area so you really never need to turn it. only once in a while was the angle not ideal.


QQ moar fanboys... "oh dante looks different, this game is going to suck"..... game launches with positive reviews from many publications...... "wah Wah WAH!!!... *wipes tears from eyes*,  I'm going to Metacritic to give it a bad score"

Fracking kids man.... grow up, if anything this new DMC looks better than its predecessors.

dark_harpy 5 Like

@moistsandwich If you think people are complaining because the game is different, then you haven't been paying attention. Though I cannot blame you, with all the articles floating around, it's not surprising you got that impression.

I find it very funny that you're calling the fans kids, seeing as how immature your post is. Let me answer you in kind: Stop QQ about people QQ ;)

alenth 4 Like

I bet that a lot of these kids complaining about the difficulty never finished the old games in "dante must die" difficulty without using infinite devil trigger....


@alenth Ive beat DMC 1 and 3( the original version not special) on Dante must die. never did it to DMC 2 and 4 cause I didn't really care for those. My point is this game IS easy. too easy. they were clearly trying to appeal to a more casual audience. and yes, I own the game and beat it. its terrible. I always play the games I hate on.

ExtremePhobia 21 Like

You know, I'm a die-hard DMC fan. I played through both DMC 1&3 on DMD with no items using only the base sword (except where required to shoot to progress the game for example). It's not DMC3 hard but it is still a DMC difficulty and certainly more complex than the original DMC's "Stinger, High Time, Helmbreaker, rinse repeat."

People act like it's DMC2 and it isn't. Not even close. The game is entirely aware of its heritage and embraces it where appropriate. Hell, if I had a complaint it is that the gameplay is TOO similar to previous DMC games. The weapons are almost identical to previous weapons. 

You can all bitch and complain but you're doing so purely for the sake of it. In fact, from what I've read, people seem to say "The game sucks because XYZ...(long post)... and that's why I never bought it." If you want to be sheep because it makes you feel better, go for it.

M3o5nster 2 Like

@ExtremePhobia Your post became pretty invalid as soon as you said "Stinger, High Time, Helmbreaker, rinse repeat".. Since you're a "die-hard DMC fan", I shouldn't have to explain to you why that statement is flawed.

You call other people sheep, but aren't you just a sheep yourself complaining about other people complaining? How many people have you read trying to discredit complaints of people who haven't played the full game and ignoring the negative response from people who have?

You're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem.


"and that's why I never bought it"... lol they pretty much cemented their argument with that last phrase.

solidsnake50 3 Like

@ExtremePhobia I've been reading these post all day trying to come with an appropriate response. However looks like u beat me to it. I could not have said it better. Looks like you got the balls to call it like it is. 


Any game that is liked by critics and gets low scores from users, I think those users are bias, and I feel like metacritic, just as any other site that lets users review and score games should be monitored. They should be disallowed to make reviews or put down scores if it's not just. On a somewhat different note, this seems to be a game that would go down in the 'best game no one played' award of the year.

dantesergei 1 Like

I don't really care, im not going to play this.

vengefulwilberg 1 Like

And Capcom deserves even more of the blame since they are the ones that wanted another developer to do something different with the franchise.  Capcom failed DMC themselves for leaving so many holes in the story.  I wanted a real sequel ever since the release of that dreadful DMC 2.  DMC 3 was great; but most of the story consisted of Dante doing bad ass stuff.  And DMC 4 was straight LOL!  Even if Ninja Theory did make the game TOO MUCH OF THE SAME I wouldn't play it; because it would suck.  Having another developer do a game originally developed by another is like trying to mix oil and water.  

I already know the game wasn't going to include everything that made the previous games great.  If anyone wants a true to the core DMC game; then simply get the original creators of the game to step up and finally make a DMC game that will beat out every previous game in story, gameplay, difficulty, and etc.  I am still waiting for that day to come; but I doubt it will since Capcom are lazy bastards.  Mr. Seith Killing Games talking about Capcom respecting the idea of a good story during an episode of the Tester was is a loud of bull. 

M3o5nster 1 Like

@vengefulwilberg Well, Kamiya, the creator of Devil May Cry works with Platinum Games. So you can thank Capcom for him leaving, as well as many other great developers.

Kamiya says he misses Dante, and there will only be one original Dante.

dark_harpy 1 Like

This news is the first I've seen not bashing the fans for their opinion and indeed showing some of the legitimate concerns regarding the game. Props on that, GS. I'm one of those people who agree with the fans. They've made some solid arguments regarding the characters, dialogue and storytelling, which I stay firmly behind. Whatever ideas NT might have tried to convey, they didn't have the right approach. People were saying old DMCs were style over substances, but this game is all about (attempt at) shock over substance. And in the end I find their story to be rather soulless and heartless. They just couldn't sell me their characters or their story. As for the combat. DMC3 was my first game of the genre. So, having no experience meant it would even be more difficult for me. And sure enough, it was difficult at first, but it was so rewarding when I started to get better at it and eventually earned SSS ranks. I've played it over and over again and I still would. Thus, the combat in DmC is a step back and a disappointment to me. One more thing. Story is important to me. The cutscenes in DMC3 were really fun, but there were also some moments of genuine emotion there. Something I couldn't feel in DmC. And after all the praise for NT's storytelling abilities and all the promises of bringing DmC to a new level of storytelling.


Considering that the game is set in a parallel universe, I'm just not thinking of the game as part of the original series.

uchihasilver 11 Like

@MrAVKV maybe they should have made a new IP rather than live off of DmC's name people might not be so annoyed then =/

h1221292h 2 Like

@uchihasilver @MrAVKV if they made a new ip, people WILL still bitch complaint about: how identical this to dmc, and it is just a copy of dmc, why they didnt just release a new sequel of dmc instead of this new ip? people might not be so annoyed then =/

endless circle...

AlexFili 2 Like

This is getting stupid now, can we just stop people that are clearly posting 'fake' or 'bogus' reviews? We might as well not even have these systems at all if people are just going to ruin it for everyone else.

proevo 5 Like

cmon ppl. Metacritic user score is a big joke. 

Honestly it not worth an article

uchihasilver 5 Like

@proevo until they agree with your opinion right? exactly -_-

proevo 1 Like

I dont follow the metacritic score either as all the reviews there arent honest either.

I want to make my own opinion of a game...

If its interesting i tend to buy..score doesnt matter but i just cant understand the drive so many people vote for 0 but the people who start to counter the score with 10 are just as bad


@uchihasilver @proevo Honestly, if there wasn't a perfect game then why make the score go up to 10? People know a game given a 10 is not perfect, it's just very close. Nothing is perfect so don't take a score in a literal sense. But yes, people shouldn't rate so dramatically. I'm sure some people will say it's their favorite game and give it a 9.5 or a 10, but regardless a 0 shouldn't really be given to a title that has clear potential and good gameplay, etc. However games like that 18 wheeler racing game deserve a 0 by many people. Either way user scores on games that have a lot of hate against them shouldn't be taken seriously. I'm far from a COD fan, but a 3.5 on GS's user score the first day BO2 came out was also a joke. Games that have a lot of so-called "haters" are usually around a 7-9 all in all.

vengefulwilberg 1 Like


So true.  Capcom deserves all the blame for this one.  I don't hate DmC; but I hate how Capcom does business.  To me Ninja Theory was more like a pawn in Capcom's dirty little game of being lazy bastards.

proevo 1 Like

I understand you there. My main point was however not complaining about MC userscore but about articles like this which will fuel the debate even more. But i dont like the fact that Ninja theory as a developer gets the hate Capcom should get instead as the the hate is directed at the wrong place. its just sad but its the way world works these days


@proevo i agree with the fact that a game should never receive a 0 or a 10 because there is no such thing as a perfect game or one so horrible it deserves nothing i have a problem when people don't agree with others opinions just because they like the game but even more so i don't agree with supporting corrupt companies like capcom in the first place who use on disc dlc and day one dlc its pathetic and fan boys of a publisher blindly follow there ethic -_- its like the whole preowned argument if people buy a game preowned it tells me one thing, the developer didn't deserve a purchase unless its cheap and tbh game prices are ridiculous these days any way which is probably why people rate low half of the time its because its all value vs content/enjoyable and these days games are never really worth it other than games like skyrim etc i don't like buying a game at £40 and completing it 2 or 3 hours later its just retarded

longestsprout 2 Like

@uchihasilver @proevo I don't think that's fair, pretty much anyone can tell you that after visiting the site.

Sure there are good points being made and fair critical judgements, but most of it is buried ten feet under by the other inane crap.

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