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Kimberley Wallace
Feature: The Best (and Worst) Female RPG Characters
It's Feature Friday, and this one goes out to all the ladies!
04.29.11 - 1:47 AM

It's Feature Friday! I couldn't be more stoked for this particular article, but let's talk about the backstory. When I first set out with this feature idea, it had come at a time where I hadn't seen many empowered females in gaming lately. There were a few gems here and there, but the dreck outnumbered them. So I wanted to celebrate the women who made playing games a more realistic and enjoyable experience. As a staff, we had to debate a lot of women and their roles in our RPGs, and, unfortunately, we had to narrow it down to ten characters. However, I'm optimistic that more of these strong, passionate ladies will find their way to our game consoles. But, for now, I present to you our Best (and Worst) Female RPG Characters!


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