Exclusive Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance Trailer


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  • Jan 14, 2013

Want to see just how deadly Raiden is? Join us on January 14th at 5PM PT to see some new, over-the-top action from Konami's upcoming Metal Gear-inspired game.

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This voice and that that deadly forces.. really dope!


Okay, so deadly force is authorized but you swap from guns to shock sticks? lol 


Wow, who the hell is doing the voice over at the beginning of this clip?  I pray they just had one of the interns doing that b/c if they actually paid someone money for that work, they got ripped off lol.


The combat looks fine, but that writing and voice acting.....I think calling it on par with B-grade movies would be giving it too much credit. I was literally cringing at the opening dialogue. Let's hope they focus on the combat.


this isn't even the metal gear universe.. uhhhhh dammit

Born_Lucky like.author.displayName like.author.displayName 2 Like

I used to love the Metal Gear series.

Why did they replace Snake with Lady Gaga.??


Ninja Gaiden on steroids aka Ninja Raiden. Kinect is nowhere to be seen.


I will give it a shot, Kojima presence could mean good story, the moment Raiden spoke I already knew about his past. The action gameplay should be normal for the style it goes for. 

I'm more curious if this game has any connection to all the Metal Gears I have since the first one. Either way you look at it, when Metal Gear name appears, fans should take notice. I'm not a action gameplay fan but I don't mind it.


to think of raiden is a father O_o


I'm PSSSSYYCCHHED!!!!! This is like the Ninja Gaiden game I always wanted after the original Ninja Gaiden on PS3. I'm not really feeling Raiden's voice though, just doesn't seem to fit. Sounds more like a villian. I always pictured him talking more cool and slick like Snake.

Ladiesman17 like.author.displayName like.author.displayName like.author.displayName like.author.displayName 4 Like

The game trying so hard to be cool, 

over-excessive coolness sometimes become ugly things.

guertt like.author.displayName 1 Like

Soooo not for me lol

M3o5nster like.author.displayName like.author.displayName 2 Like

Gamespot should just put a disclaimer under the video explaining the difference between Metal Gear "Solid" and Metal Gear "Rising"... Maybe it would help the uninformed masses that are plaguing this article.

Then again they probably wouldn't read the disclaimer anyway... -____-

cousinmerl like.author.displayName 1 Like

Those people had families you know!

Soulreavercross moderator like.author.displayName 1 Like

As much as I am excited for this game, it does look it's going to be just another repetitive hack and slash game.


@Soulreavercross I think Bayonetta was the last classic game of this style... So this is long overdue in my book. Ninja Gaiden 3 could've filled that void, but we all know what happened to that game. I won't even comment on "DmC"... I'm just glad we get another game with the creator of Devil May Cry behind it.

My body is ready.

S0mEGuY12 like.author.displayName like.author.displayName like.author.displayName like.author.displayName 4 Like

I'm gonna clear up a few things here.

"Wahhhh this game isn't worthy of the Metal Gear Solid name!"

Metal Gear RISING. RISINGGGG. How do you people still not understand?


I generally don't like the terms "Hack and Slash" when it comes to games like this. Because it's so much more than that, and since its being made by Platinum Games, its going to be FAR from repetitive. It's going to be a blast like every other one of their games, like, Bayonetta or God Hand from the Clover days. You wanna know a repetitive hack and slash? Dynasty Warriors.

People, this is going to be a great game. Platinum Games has NEVER made a bad title. They never made one as Clover Studios, and im sure they never will. Not anytime soon at least. All of you MGS fans who are used to the stealth of MGS may not like this, but people who loved Devil May Cry, Ninja Gaiden, or Bayonetta like I do will probably love this game too. I still don't even know why all of you whine when the damn game is being overseen by Kojima himself.


Should be MGR = Metal Gear Raiden. So that he can have his own name in the franchise. I dunno but i think of all the MGS fans around the world, I'm the only one who likes Raiden. or maybe because he appeals more to female fans?

The_Luigi like.author.displayName 1 Like

@risako9 Would make sense, he was made to appeal to the female demographic in the MGS2 design documents.


Whats with that intro voice. I thought it was him for a moment.


Raiden Gaiden is  what it should have been called. It's no Metal Gear Solid game, because that's not how Metal Gear Solid games are done. They're done Snake style stealth and a cool story. 

TheHumanBush like.author.displayName like.author.displayName like.author.displayName like.author.displayName 4 Like

@clr84651 It's NOT METAL GEAR SOLID.  It's Metal. Gear. RISING.  RIIIIIISSSSSSSSINNNNNNNNNNNG!  GOD DAMN IT.  I hate it when people whine about it not being  MGS.  ITS BECAUSE IT's NOT.  

HeroicVillian like.author.displayName 1 Like

@TheHumanBush @clr84651 You're right, but Raiden is a big part of the series and the metal gear universe, they should have used a completely different character.. He doesn't even sound like Raiden for god sake


@TheHumanBush @clr84651 And for the Snake fans....there's still MG Ground Zeroes in the works (With Kojima at the head), and the rumored MGS5....just have some patience and chew on this side story in the meantime. 

lahonda_99 like.author.displayName like.author.displayName 2 Like

What the hell? Ridiculous costumes and over acting. This is outrageously pathetic design. I will pass over this game as I have passed over every Final Fantasy since 7. Eye catching design does not equal inspired.


@lahonda_99 This is an action game from some of the people who created Devil May Cry.. Not that "DmC" nonsense, the real DMC. If you never liked Devil May Cry than this probably isn't for you.

These games are more about the combat and combos than anything else. If you want pretty costumes and a novel worthy story, look elsewhere.


It reminds me of Ninja Gaiden. And exactly how does a sword cut up steel that is too thick to be cut up?! Crazy game!


Anyone else think the look could be a bit less muddy? What are they thinking? That beginning car seen was so bad visually. Super bland and no sense of detail. I know graphics arent everything but even cartoonish games can keep the textures high rez and the detail fine. 


you can see the Hideo Team still guided them XD

NightRain like.author.displayName like.author.displayName 2 Like

I really can't wait to try this game. Looks so sick. Raiden is super badass. I love Metal Gear games and I don't mind if this one is different from the others.


As a huge Metal Gear fan, I'm not interested in this game. Too much action, no adventure, no stealth and no cool story either. This looks like devil may cry with raiden. Not my style... I don't know about you guys, but I'm better saving my money for Ground Zeroes :D

M3o5nster like.author.displayName 1 Like

@Sheik2 I think it's for people who like more than one style of game... I love Devil May Cry and Metal Gear Solid equally as much. Same goes for RPGs like the old Final Fantasy games. I like FPS games like Battlefield too, so maybe I'm just a gamer.

Kabbalistica like.author.displayName 1 Like

This game looks great. Bayonetta is the best slasher since DMC 4 so I trust Platinum Games. Now that I know NT's DmC is garbage this is the perfect slasher replacement I've been looking for. :)

Now that I mention it, Capcom should have got Platinum Games to remake Devil May Cry! LOL

Kazmo-Khan like.author.displayName like.author.displayName 2 Like

It's still so surprising how dumb and stubborn people can be when taken out of their small little comfort zone. I'll give it a shot. Platinum Games have made some damn fine titles so far, I feel like they know what they are doing when it comes to over the top action like this. That and i welcome any MGS games or lore with open arms.


I been playing MGS since Sons of Liberty to Snake Enter and on the original Playstation didn't beat the game because of the camera going downward  and had a tough time fighting the final boss. (Playing it on the PSP - PSN) never played MGS4 so I don't have a PS3 so if i make any wrong comments please correct me. The thing I don't like about MGS games is the long tedious cutscenes and it get unnecessary at center points and MGS story is convoluted I try my best to understand it if i have the time for it. As for Medal Gear Rising I'm interested how raiden became so mental and sadistic. The gameplay seems repetitive with the finishing moves sword sequences looking closely it seems that he has to recharged his suit, but overall I can't wait to play this. 


@JusXiceI can understand you feeling. MGS was built as the movie that's why the SC take much time than other games. If you don't have enough persevering then just ignore it. The camera view and controlling improved a lot in MGS4 but the intense and the attraction in boss-fight not equal as old one in my opinion. But it's totally great. And the next MG not Rising but Metal Gear: Ground Zeroes is absolutely fantastic in my opinion. Man, if you say MGS story is convoluted then you may right because you ignore the most CS and conversations in game. If you have persevering enough the game will be fantastic. Anyway, we have different styles and experiences, I think you suit with shooting game or mere action like hack&slash; than this kind of game. Hope you find interesting in new game.


fruit,ninja raiden  hahaha l.o.l...

pokecharm like.author.displayName 1 Like

huh...that didn't impress me as much as I'd hoped...reminded me of Asura's Wrath...

BlackWaltz_No_3 like.author.displayName 1 Like

I have faith on Platinum Games, since they were the ones that delivered such magnificent pieces, such as Bayonetta and Vanquish. And for those wondering whether the games too easy, it actually needs a bit of getting used to. The parry system actually needs a bit off timing and is essential to fighting groups of enemies and bosses. I died a lot during the demo, and this is coming from a guy who's played a lot of hack n slash (i.e. DMC, Bayonetta, Onimusha, NG).

Just wait for the game and play it yourself. Don't expect the game to be like MGS, rather like other hack and slash games. :)

Simmo3D like.author.displayName 1 Like

This actually looks pretty crap IMO. I wont be purchasing this game.


huh.it's just makes me sick the guys who talk about how bad this game will be and about anything said from a trailer just wanna tell u one thing...the new DMC most of people said how bad will it be and it's gonna be epic fail and it turns out one of the most amazing games and nearly better than old DMC..so please all people who say anything about bad or how bad the game will be,please shut up and wait for the game till it comes out and try it out OR dunn watch the video or even bother urself playing it as long as u hate it ..end of the story 


uhhh... it's the first level or so of the game, i bet.

it's probably supposed to be pretty easy.



Sounds like Clint Eastwood!

petez34 like.author.displayName like.author.displayName 2 Like

Haha! deadly force is authorized, so they holster their guns and pull out sticks. did kids write this? o.O lmao

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