What's new at Computer Hope

Latest Updates

01/11/2013 - Control your paswords between comptuers and devices
01/10/2013 - Keith Uncapher
01/10/2013 - Bill Gates
01/09/2013 - What is UNC (Uniform Naming Convention)?
01/09/2013 - Extended special HTML characters
01/09/2013 - Computer Magazines
01/09/2013 - AMI BIOS simmulation and help
01/09/2013 - Phoenix - Award BIOS simmulation and help
01/09/2013 - LS-120 SuperDisk drive help
01/09/2013 - Iomega Zip drive help and support
01/09/2013 - How do I adjust my monitor through the buttons on the front?
01/09/2013 - Advantages of SATA over PATA.
01/09/2013 - Steps on how to backup your computer
01/09/2013 - Information about the Windows Systray and notification area
01/09/2013 - What is area?
01/09/2013 - What is ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interexchange)?
01/09/2013 - What is BBC?
01/09/2013 - What is CD-ROM (Compact Disc-Read Only Memory)?
01/09/2013 - Chat slang
01/09/2013 - What is computer?

Latest 20 updates and new pages by category

434 updates performed this month.
Over 434 updates performed this year.
Log of last 100 updates.

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Downtime or other issues

No recent downtimes or issues.

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Upcoming Information

  • Continuing work on resolving all of the current Computer Hope e-mail related issues.
  • Creating an automated help agent to help users who are not sure what to search for or how to find help locate help. Now in beta: Mr. Hope.

In addition to the above upcoming information Computer Hope is always working on several other new ideas and creating new information. To keep unique Computer Hope will disclose items close to their release date or at a time we find suitable. All above upcoming information and changes have no dates listed on purpose and are commonly listed in the order that we believe they will be completed.

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