TYPO3 API Documentation

TYPO3s source code is well documented and allows you to understand many internals just by browsing through the various classes and methods.


TYPO3 - 6.0 current stable http://typo3.org/api/typo3cms
TYPO3 - 4.7 http://api.typo3.org/typo3cms/47
TYPO3 - 4.5 LTS http://api.typo3.org/typo3cms/45
TYPO3 - master http://api.typo3.org/typo3cms/master

Extbase - TYPO3 CMS

Extbase - 6.0 current stable http://api.typo3.org/extbase
Extbase - 1.3 (in TYPO3 4.5)

TYPO3 Flow

Flow - 1.0
TYPO3 Flow - master http://api.typo3.org/flow/master

Fluid - TYPO3 CMS

Fluid - 6.0 current stable http://api.typo3.org/fluid
Fluid - 1.3 (in TYPO3 4.5) http://api.typo3.org/fluid/13

Archives and offline reading

If an older version of TYPO3 is needed - or for offline consulting -  archives are available for download. Noticed that TYPO3 API is also coming in Docset format that can be added in a API Documentation Browser for speed and convenience purposes. Download this file to get the Docset version.

How it is build?

Because we use JavaDoc style documentation, it is possible to automatically create a complete documentation of the TYPO3 core. At the moment Doxygen is used to generate the API of TYPO3 as it offers many neat features.

  • nice layout - easy to browse
  • build-in search engine
  • graph of classes inheritance
  • highly customizable output

Basically, a "nightly-run" script takes care of keeping the API up-to-date automatically.

How to improve?

If you have any concrete ideas / patches that would make the API better, please report onto the Bug Tracker.