The TYPO3 Community Code of Conduct describes the standard for all conduct in the TYPO3 community. Leaders however, are expected to be held to a higher standard. This document provides a set of guidelines and explains to all members the high standards of conduct that leaders in the TYPO3 community should be held.

There are many, many people who hold leadership positions in the TYPO3 project - from the leaders of translation teams for specific languages, to the folks who hold positions in the Core development team and the TYPO3 Association. Our community depends on the drive and inspiration of many people who start teams or project teams focused on a particular end goal. We expect anybody who takes on a leadership role to meet this higher standard of conduct.

Leadership By Example

We expect leadership by example. In the TYPO3 project, leadership is not an award, right, or title; it is a privilege. A leader will only retain his or her position as long as he or she acts as a leader. This means that they act with civility, respect, and trust in the ways described in the Code of Conduct. It also means that their contributions are sustained, significant, and reliable for the period that they lead. Leaders in TYPO3 project are not autocrats. Leaders in the TYPO3 project as such can not and will not stay leaders only because they got there first. Their role stems from shared recognition and respect from their team.

Respecting TYPO3 Processes and Principles

The Community Code of Conduct does not only apply to leaders. It applies to leaders more. Leaders show more patience, more respect, and more civility than other members of the TYPO3 community. As leaders, they represent their team and, ultimately, the whole TYPO3 project. Leaders do their best to reflect the values that the TYPO3 project stands for and the behaviours that the TYPO3 project holds as paramount. Additionally, they take care to act in accordance with TYPO3 governance principles and structures and work within the TYPO3 system to change them.


A virtuoso is judged by their actions. A leader is judged by the actions of their team. A leader in the TYPO3 project knows when to ask for help and when to step back. Good leaders know when not to make a decision but to delegate it to their team. The best leaders balance hard work in the community. Of course, leadership does not mean that leaders delegate unpleasant work to others. Instead, leaders allocate parts of the hard work to their own time -- leadership by example -- with delegation to others. A leader's foremost goal is ensuring that their team members and team succeed.


A good leader does not seek the limelight but aims to congratulate their team for the work they do. While leaders are frequently more visible than their team, leaders in the TYPO3 project use their visibility to highlight the great work of their team members and others.

Conflicts of Interest

A leader notices when they are conflicted and delegates decisions to others on their team or to other teams or governing councils. When in doubt, leaders publicly ask for a second opinion. They realise that perceived conflicts of interest are as important as real conflicts of interest and are cognisant of perceptions; they understand that their actions are as tainted by perceived conflicts as by real ones.

Keeping the Personal Personal

No team is an extension of its leader's personality, and leaders' personal feelings and desires will sometimes diverge from the interest of their teams. When acting in their capacity as leaders, leaders should not ignore their own beliefs, feelings, and principles; but must hold the interests of their team and the TYPO3 community above their own convictions. Leaders make difficult choices but are careful to act in the best interests of their communities. They work with established processes in the community and delegate decisions to others who are able.

Stepping Down

Gracefully stepping down from a position is particularly important for leaders who are responsible for decisions or specific processes - for example, if your participation is needed to reach quorum in a team council. If someone in a leadership role does not have time to fulfill their role temporarily, they should warn their team in advance. If an absence becomes extended, they should step down from their leadership position until they have more time to follow through. Similarly, leaders should step down gracefully -- as described in the Community Code of Conduct. When someone takes on a leadership position in the TYPO3 project, they are making a commitment to step down gracefully and to ensure that others on the team can easily continue where they leave off. Note that this is less important in cases where the leadership role does not "block" decisions while the person is absent. For example, if you are one of a team of list moderators, then an extended absence does not mean you should necessarily step down, because decisions will not be blocked by you not being there. Conversely, if your leadership seat is essential for decisions, then extended absences should be very carefully managed, and you should consider stepping down or at least nominating a stand-in while you will be away.