AOL Real Estate


Millions of listings; housing tips, info and advice.

AOL Real Estate is where home buyers, owners, sellers, and renters come for useful tips and information, real estate advice and to search through millions of listings.

About our audience:
  • 3.6M Monthly UVs
  • 48% Male, 52% Female
  • 1.3 average visits per Visitor
  • 2.4 min per visit, higher than MSN Real Estate
  • Users are 53% more likely to have a HHI of $75K+ (36% 100K+)
  • Users are 6% more likely to own primary residence valued $1M+
  • 59% are 35-64 years old
Exclusive, trusted content for informing a lifetime of real estate decisions:

There are so many factors that affect real estate, both macro and personal.  At AOL Real Estate, we spend every day helping our users understand how to manage the factors they can control and plan for those that they can’t.

  • Expert contributors like Jean Chatzky and The Motley Fool bring trusted voices to our readers
Upgraded consumer experience:
AOL Real Estate partners with Zillow to provide a renewed focus on products and tools will help our users connect to content and communities that are the most relevant to their real estate needs.
New user targeting capabilities:

Advertisers can now retarget movie-ticket purchasing behavior across AOL’s media network, honing in on the decision-making users that advertisers covet the most

Source: ComScore Media and Plan Metrix July 2012.
