The Office

Season 6 Episode 5

Niagara, Pt. 2

out of 10
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Episode Summary

Pam is forced to deal with Andy's scrotal injury on her wedding night, while Kevin deals with the loss of his dress shoes on the morning of Jim and Pam's wedding.
  • Exactly what I hoped for!

    What a brilliant episode!. Classic Michael, letting the cat out of the bag at the rehearsal dinner. Andy, Kevin, Michael, and Dwight; 4 guys with the least amount of game all just assumed they were hooking up. I believe that Andy, and Dwight stole the show. I about fell off the couch when Andy was dancing in his mustard yellow sweater vest. Andy and Erin look so good together, and I really hope the writers work that angle hard.

    Typical Andy, tearing his scrotum. I have a new found allegiance to Dwight after this episode. Who would have thought that Dwight was such a pimp?. It was classic the way he blew her off at the actual wedding.

    The dance down the isle was fantastic. All the Office misfits screwing everything up and the smile on Jim and Pam's faces as they did it was perfect. It showed that Jim and Pam expected nothing less.moreless
  • Amazing Finale of Jim and Pam's wedding.

    After Jim's toast screw up the part begins and the plot continues to thicken as most of the less attractive men in the show start hooking up everywhere. Andy was hilarious when reacting after tearing his scrotum and making Pam take him to the hospital. Michael sleeping with Pam's mom was a nice twist to carry on the plot through to the next couple episodes. Kevin's hair piece looked ridiculous and the dancing down the aisle at the wedding was nice to have a different approach to a cheesy wedding sequence. Overall the episode didn't let me down, but wasn't as good as the first part of Niagra.moreless
  • 605

    A very special episode of The Office that I'm sure gave everyone a good feeling and made them tear up a bit if you're an emotional person. At this point, you wont care if this show might be going downhill or if it's run it's course. This is Jim & Pam's wedding, the moment we've all been waiting for since these two were first shown onscreen together in the first episode. There was hardly any flaws in this episode, and it was just so special, and the end was very heartwarming.

    We've got a lot of character development that this could have been a season finale of some sort. (Michael hooking up with Pam's mom, Dwight sleeping Pam's best friend, of course Pam & Jim getting married) A very unexpected walk down the aisle as everyone dances down to the aisle with the Chris Brown song playing in the background. The mental picture bit was great, and I loved how Jim consoled Pam when she was sad.

    Them getting married on the boat and how it kept switching back to the wedding at the church was perfect. Executed perfectly.moreless
  • After more than five seasons of buildup, Niagara, Part 2 ends it all. Well...

    I am not a fan of Jim and Pam. I don't hate them, but I don't ever watch the show for them. Niagara, Part 2 partly finished (the Jim-Pam thing will not be finished until the series finale ) the angst from seasons one-five (although most of that was in seasons 1-3). The second part of "Niagara" was creative, funny, and had the good moments that had some fans enjoying a lot. This episode was great, although some gags were a little farfetched. Kevin was really funny in this episode and Andy-Pam was a new and hilarious dynamic. The ending montage with the JK wedding dance was also really funny but it had the serious romantic moments that many JAM fans loved. Great episode, but I liked Part 1 a little better. And although Niagara got Jim and Pam married... I don't think the writers of the show are going to stop everything and focus just on the office. We'll see...moreless
  • Pam has a rough night with Andy, and a wardrobe malfunction in the morning that leads to a tear-inducing montage.

    I can't think of a more perfect way for Jim and Pam to tie the knot. It breaks all of the t.v. wedding rules, much in the same way that their pregnancy reveal did. There was so much to love about this ceremony! The fact that their nuptials were performed on "The Maiden of the Mist" was so indicative of their desire to keep their wedding as a memory of love and celebration. To keep it their own wedding. It was fantastic to see the wedding aisle dance as well - even if Jim and Pam hated it. I felt like we were watching the actors celebrate rather than the characters, which believe it or not, made it much more jovial to me. Now that I've seen it, I really can't imagine hearing Jim and Pam say, "I do." You know in your heart that that moment was just for the characters.moreless
Ken Kreps

Ken Kreps


Guest Star

Nicholas Shaffer

Nicholas Shaffer


Guest Star

Peggy Stewart

Peggy Stewart


Guest Star

Linda Purl

Linda Purl


Recurring Role

Bobby Ray Shafer

Bobby Ray Shafer

Bob Vance

Recurring Role

Trivia, Notes, Quotes and Allusions

