Album: Summoning of Spirits: An Arrangement of Music from Tales of Phantasia and Tales of Symphonia


Discussion: Latest 15 comments/reviews; view the complete thread or post your own.
I really enjoyed this album. It's probably the most played one in my collection. And I have a lot of stuff.

- Mogget on February 11, 2012
Aubri;729646 wrote: So why IS "gentry" a five letter word? "Honor"?

I can't believe I left that behind >_>
It namely got the title because of the 5/4 time signature. There, that's all there is to it :P

- Rexy on April 27, 2011
I love this album. all tracks are very good :nicework:
Sixto Sounds THE BEST OF THE BEST!<3

- Belisarios on April 27, 2011
So why IS "gentry" a five letter word? "Honor"?

- Aubri on November 12, 2010
To Sir_NutS.
Thank you for constructing the pulsing sonic trek that is Deity (Martel), playing it on continuous repeat has provided some of the most "flow-inducing" background music for writing papers to. I believe this track will be partially responsible for passing grades in two of my classes this semester.
That is all.
(The rest of the album rocks too, but this was of immediate interest)

- Lint on May 7, 2010
What? I haven't serious-posted in this thread yet? For shame.
@Gurkfak: Tales of Phantasia - the first in the series - was very good. If you don't mind the dated aspects of earlier RPGs then start with that one. For timeframe, think late SNES, early PS1, since that's precisely what happened (released late on the SNES, revamped - revamped, not simply ported - for the PS1). The encounter rate was too high (even with holy potions!), but just about everything else was excellent. I played the PS1 version because I decided the enhancements and the superior fan translation (from Absolute Zero... lol at the infamous quote about Arche from the DeJap translation) made that the one to try, plus I love the PS1 soundfonts Sakuraba uses (SO2, VP1... both classics). I suppose I should mention that there is a GBA version that was actually released in NA. Which, per my research and in my opinion, didn't stack up as well. Yes, I do this with games with multiple releases but no clear definitive release.
Also, I plugged in Symphonia a couple/few weeks ago. I only got about three-ish hours in before getting distracted by non-rpgs, but man, next time I'm in the rpg mood I know I'll be hooked. I'm glad I played through my initial disgust at what I heard as a sickly rehashing of good, old tunes playing in the background, as the music, and the plot, quickly picked up. Can't say more than that and that it looks good.
End tangent.
I don't know if I ever would have gotten to either game if it weren't for this remix album. I knew ToP was one I wanted to play eventually, and likewise (to a lesser extent) with ToS, but 'eventually' with me and rpgs usually means 'never'. Too many games, not enough time. But I knew I wanted to listen to this album, and because I refuse to listen to a remix album for a game I know I'll eventually play until I actually play the game, I self-kicked my ass into popping in ToP.
And I'm glad I did, because not only did I play a great game but I also got to listen to two disks of very, very enjoyable remixes. Sorry, I still (as of edit), haven't listened to the second two disks since I started and stopped on playing ToS. But I'll get to them eventually with both another great game under my belt and a better appreciation for what you all have done.
My thanks and appreciation to everyone who helped make this awesomeness happen. Gigantic thanks to the project coordinators and everyone behind the scenes. And thanks, of course, to everyone who made me laugh my ass off in the original thread. I like turtles.

- K.B. on January 9, 2010
I haven't played any of the tales games sadly but when I listened to this remix I now want to get my hands on any tales game I can. I usually see a correlation between quality of music and quality of a game and even though I was unable to link any of the songs to game memories like the other remixes I really really enjoyed them.

- Gurkfak on January 6, 2010
This is an awesome album. I can't stop listening to it. I listen to it while I play my MMOs xD
My favorites are definitely "Horizon's Walk" and "Go the Distance". They are just amazing <3
Excellent job and thank you so much for sharing it with us! Hope to see more =D

- SelphieFF8 on November 11, 2009
Acid burn!!!

- Dhsu on October 8, 2009
In that case Contra 4 is totally in style.

- LuketheXjesse on October 7, 2009
Finished projects are overrated.

- KyleJCrb on October 7, 2009
Is this out yet?

- Hale-Bopp on October 7, 2009
So like, this project still rocks because somehow it finished and got released.. IF EVEN FOR THAT REASON

- Monobrow on October 7, 2009
Man, someone totally removed my Nintendo Power plug in the topic title. Lame. I blame Larry.

- KyleJCrb on September 14, 2009
metaphist;571243 wrote: My favorite track so far is Horizon's Walk by Prizm and Tepid. Mad props to them, and to the staff and musicians for one epic album!

To be perfectly honest, I only recorded the electric guitar parts in that song, so you should direct your props to Tepid ;) Thank you for the comment.
Also thanks to evktalo for his extensive review, you have no idea how much this is appreciated by remixers.

- PriZm on August 18, 2009