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Review: Mario Party 9

Jonathan Holmes
2:00 PM on 03.31.2012
Review: Mario Party 9 photo

"Another Mario Party? Good grief. Is there really any way this game could give us something we haven't already gotten from the Mario Party series? Is there going to be any reason to buy this game over the seven other Mario Party titles available on the Wii, or Wii Party, or any of the other mini-game collections that have flooded the Wii market since day one?"

Those are the questions that filled my head as I limply held the box for Mario Party 9 in my hand for the first time. After playing the game for about two hours, I had some answers. Then I played the game for 20 more hours, and I had some fun.

Mario Party 9 (Wii)
Developer: Nd Cube Co., Ltd.
Publisher: Nintendo
Released: March 11, 2012
MSRP: $49.99

The first 20 minutes of Mario Party 9 only offer a few token changes that may not even be noticeable to anyone but diehard Mario Party fans. Dig a little deeper, though, and you'll find that Mario Party 9 really isn't like all the rest. The host of this virtual game show, Mario, is the same, but the rules are very different this time around. That comes as less of a surprise after you discover that the title was developed by a brand-new team.

This new team put together a title that feels more like a true Mario spin-off, and less like a stereotypical "party" game. As someone who has never been particularly enamored with the Mario Party series, that's definitely a change for the better.

There is a much more balanced mix of motion-controlled and "standard" games this time around. A lot of the games are played with the Wii Remote held on its side, with either Mario Kart-style motion controls or no motion controls at all. While Mario Party 8 was released when motion controls were riding high, Mario Party 9 has seen release in the post-New Super Mario Bros. Wii period of the Wii's life cycle. Nintendo has learned that over 20 million Wii owners are happy to play a 2D home console Mario title with minimal motion controls, and they've taken that lesson to heart in the development of this title.

The influence of New Super Mario Bros. Wii doesn't stop there. There are many subtle and not-so-subtle shout-outs to that title here. Remember that level in New Super Mario Bros. Wii where you were riding a raft across an evil purple swamp? You'll get that level again here, except with a Super Mario Galaxy-style 3D camera. That fusion of New Super Mario Bros. Wii and Super Mario Galaxy is pretty much the game's central theme, though there are a few smatterings of Super Mario Sunshine moments and hints of other Mario titles throughout. Buckenberry and Ala-Gold fans will be pleased.

That's really just window dressing, though. What's more important is Mario Party 9's increased focus on videogame-y elements. There are now mini-boss fights, giant boss fights, more platforming levels, and maps that feel better with more branching paths and secrets. There are some moments when the uninitiated eye might glance at Mario Party 9 and think it's an honest-to-god Mario game. That's not something I think you can say for its predecessors. The games here are still simple and kid-friendly, but many of them feel much more like Mario experiences, and not just party games that happen to feature Mario-themed skins.

A lot of other changes reduce the level of "board game logic" present in the title. All players now drive around together in a car. That places everybody on the board in the same location at all times, which puts the kibosh on the "race to the finish" mentality that was present in prior games of the series. There is also only one in-game currency now, giving players just one way to win. These factors all work to make the game feel more "fair" and logical. That may appeal to those of you who prefer the 1's and 0's world of videogames to the thoroughly analog and unpredictable world of board games.

Mario Party 9 only takes that reduction of luck's power so far; there is still a lot here that is determined by chance. All the players may be cruising around together in a car, but only the driver gets the positive (or negative) effects of landing on special spaces on the board. It's still your dice rolls, not your own will, that determine exactly where you land. You can get a special die that will help you stack the odds a bit (like a 10-sided die, or one that only has 4s, 5s, and 6s on it), but you'll still never be in full control.

Then there are the times that Bowser jumps out of nowhere and says, "Hey! You in 1st place! Fuck off, dude! I'm taking all your money and giving it to that guy!" Or the mini-game that just consists of watching a ball with your face on it fall down a hill, with the one whose ball hits the bottom first winning half your total cash. Moments like this work to remind the player that skill is important, but no one is above suffering the whims of Lady Luck.

Mario Party 9 features less motion control, fewer board-game rules, and more of a videogame feel, but there's still plenty left to chance. Those waiting for a full-scale overhaul will have to wait a little longer. If you're like me -- that is, you've always wanted the Mario Party series to be more than just Mario in name, you'll definitely be pleased with the direction in which the series is headed.


7.5 /10
Good: A solid game that definitely has an audience. Might lack replay value, could be too short or there are some hard-to-ignore faults, but the experience is fun. Check out more reviews or the Destructoid score guide.

Legacy Comments (will be imported soon)

Torngasak the inuit god of all god things bless you Holmes.
wheres Mario Party online...smh
I just realised that on Wii U, Nintendo graphics are going to look a lot more like that header image.

Never been interested in Mario Party, but this actually looks kind of fun.
I've never really liked the other Mario Party games, so this seems perfect. I have a bunch of non-gamers in my house so this could be pretty good. I hope they add this to redbox at some point because I'm not spending $50 on this, even though it's got that color explosion amazing cover.
Good on you for breaking out of that writer's block!
It does sound promising but I think this series will never again reach the glory of third installation.
I want this and fortune street on 3ds dammit.
Whew, Maurice can rest easy.
Never been that into in Mario Party, but like Scissors and chiptoon I'm actually interested in this installment. Maybe it's the whole riding-together thing. It seems more streamlined and, like Holmes said, more game-y.
"Is there going to be any reason to buy this game over the seven other Mario Party titles available on the Wii"

Don't you mean EIGHT other Mario Party titles

good review by the by
I kept my eye on this game & it looks pretty good, from what u said in the review i really want it now, thank god its not an ugly waggle fest.

Also DAT boxart!
Haven't really liked Mario Party since Mario Party 3 on N64 so hopefully this will rekindle my love for the franchise.
Cool beans!
Those platforming mini-games look really fun; I just may have to try this game out. I hope it's as fun as you make it sound, Holmes, as I really hated the last two in the series. ;)
Thanks for the review Holmes.
Any further info on how accessible the game is for younger kids; like menu interface, setting up a game, that kinda stuff?
I thought the whole point of Mario Party was chance. Oh well. Had Sterling reviewed this, he probably would have let that drop the score to a 3.5. Or better yet his usual 5.0 score.
Jonathan Holmes: you are well good at what you do.
I've had this urge to play a Mario Party game for the past few weeks. Looks like I might have to try this one out.
Released twenty days ago and just reviewed? Looks like you were...

(puts on sunglasses)

Late to the party.

Released twenty days ago and just reviewed? Looks like you were...

(puts on sunglasses)

Late to the party.

I'd play it, it looks alright. Don't know if I'd buy it though.
"That may appeal to those of you who prefer the 1's and 0's world of videogames to the thoroughly analog and unpredictable world of board games."

That's really what you think all boardgames are like? Wow! That's so interesting that you think that! :)
Every day is a Mario Party in the life of Holmes, I bet.
Been having a lot of fun with this one! If you liked the previous games at all, you will like this 9th entry. Nothing better than playing with a few friends and a lot of beer(or wine coolers, if you prefer). =)
Also, Goomba Bowling is rad!
1.) When a party is just starting (eating and shit), play the "skill-based" games
2.) When the drinks start flowing play the luck-based games. The rope-cutting game from the last one is a pretty fun one. For long drinking session, let the winner drink. For a faster one, let everyone but the winner drink!
Still no online in a Mario Party game? Sheesh, Nintendo!
ill prob give it a go. glad to see they tried something different and it worked
Mario Party 9 interests me. I thought some of the previous Mario Party games were o-kay, but I tried out Mario Party 7-8 a few times and was disappointed. The whole everyone-moves-together and more-minigame-focus sound like good changes, though I hate to hear they de-emphasized motion control. They finally have the motion + available for a Mario Party game, but this just happens to be the one where they don't use it that much. Oh well.

I would have to say this game was a bit ruined. They took away the Mario Party feel, you're all in a car, and have to move together. No coins or stars. No going around the board over and over like you used to, that was fun. Not having an end to it. It just cuts it too short and makes it a bit-- too quick? I don't know. But I think it could have been better.

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