
Generally favorable reviews - based on 40 Critics What's this?

User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 791 Ratings

  • Summary: With Far Cry 3, players step into the shoes of Jason Brody, a man alone at the edge of the world, stranded on a mysterious tropical island. In this savage paradise where lawlessness and violence are the only sure thing, players dictate how the story unfolds, from the battles they choose to fight to the allies or enemies they make along the way. As Jason Brody, players will slash, sneak, detonate and shoot their way across the island in a world that has lost all sense of right and wrong. Expand
Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 39 out of 40
  2. Negative: 0 out of 40
  1. Dec 6, 2012
    A new standard for the genre. With a huge world full of surprises you could define it as the Skyrim of action games.
  2. Dec 4, 2012
    It's a smartly designed open-world game with a ton of stuff to do, and the random acts of hilarity that occur out in the jungle will constantly leave you with unique stories you'll be desperate to tell your friends. If the story had made good on the strength of its initial premise, Far Cry 3 would have been shoo-in for best game of the year.
  3. Nov 28, 2012
    The action is explosive, the direction of the story sequences is intense at times, but still I can't really feel at home on these islands. Far Cry 3 is the ultimate open sandbox: The player can do what he wants, where he wants it, when he wants it. But the credibility of the world suffers – and with it my motivation.

See all 40 Critic Reviews

Score distribution:
  1. Negative: 53 out of 251
  1. What a game really, The graph in this game is very impressive, ppl sayin otherwise are ppl whom do not understand what graph means! The Gameplay lets you reach the goal YOUR way!! yes its a very straight forward game, there is a thick red line guiding you. but the means in how you reach the ending, is totally up to you, wanna stealth? okay, wanna blow it all up? ok aswell! and the Scripting in the films/sequences are AMAZING!! wow, the sound, the acting, everything you makes perfect sence when you play it. and the Chararacters in the game are fantastisc, Vass, imean, have you ever met a more nasty villain ever?! THIS is surely a Game Of The Year contender, a fantastisc game no less! all the trollers givin it 0 and 2.. go play pixie games cus thats your level of intelect acording to games! Expand
  2. This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. What can be said about this game that has not already been said? It has pleasant graphics and allows you the ability to explore a world. Doing side quests are actually beneficial, such as activating radio towers to unlock weapons for free. Also the atmosphere in the game is great. Unfortunately, the flaws are glaring. Looting seems to be affected by placement often. Good luck skinning that animal as it slowly rolls downhill. Special takedowns seem to be random at times. While the game offers rewards for being stealthy, it often seems the rewards are a pittance. A little extra experience for being silent, great. Perhaps the main reason to bother with stealth is you will likely die if you do not. The plot overall is good with interesting twists. Some predictable, some unexpected. The development of relationships with jason and other characters is quite poor. In fact, it's atrocious. The biographies lend some help, but there is still quite the gap between wanting to save your friends and then wanting to kill them all after you just ran around the island risking your life to find your little brother. Even worse are the endings. Maybe the same group of people are writing the endings to big franchise games lately. If so, they should be fired with extreme prejudice. While the endings in this game aren't nearly as bad as say mass effect 3, they are still slipshod at best. If you choose to save your friends, citra goes on about loving you and ends up dead. Then you get a monologue about jason realising he has become a monster but knowing he is something better. Nothing from your friends. Nothing from Liza, the woman you had up until recently cared significantly for. If you choose to stay with citra, your friends die, including your little brother who you just risked your life over several times (and even lost a finger) to save. It gets better. Then you have sex with her and she kills you out of "love." I'll admit my culture and world view may be different, but I don't invoke "love" as a reason I kill someone. The bottom line from me is this game offers some good things but is largely hindered by its own story plot. I found myself indifferent to the menu. Overall, I found myself asking questions that had no answers. Expand
  3. An overrated commercial release. The story starts out great. However, it crosses slowly into ridiculous and ends up being an entirely idiotic scoff-fest. It is the story of a 19-year old american kid who never fired a gun or saw a man get killed in his life, who goes forth to become a guerilla warfare expert and the "chosen one" of an ancient tribe of warriors in a matter of days. They even stated it was supposed to be satirical, when it is actually a poor excuse of a story in a full-priced game. It has a bunch of interesting characters which have way too little time on-screen, and a bunch of other characters who are just bland and forgettable. Gameplay seems amazing at first, but after a couple of hours it just becomes repetitive and absurdly easy. The game's health system is easily manipulated with either stabbing yourself continuously with a syringe or digging out a bullet from your forearm for the 50th time. The stealth system in there is just a poor attempt at realism, as all enemies behave like they have Alzheimer's and cataract. Crafting any syringe other than the health one is more trouble than it's worth, and bag-making is just a ladder you will complete quickly. The game has some good voice acting and sound effects, and finally there is the graphics, which are the game's only saving grace. It gets a 3 for the graphics and for the poker and knife-throwing mini-games which end up being more fun than the main gameplay. Expand

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