
Trac's most notorious ticket creator, small patches here and there and everywhere

Ohloh profile for falkb
  • active trac-hacks tickets created by me:
    • #6879
      cannot include https page, says "Authorization Required"
      invalid command 'compile_catalog' and plugin doesn't load at all
      default of estimation_field should be 'remaininghours' instead of 'estimatedhours'
      display not only planned space of time as chart bar, but also really spent space of time
      Overcome dependency to google charts (internet and data max. size limitations)
      if fields.start and fields.finish not set in trac.ini, use datetime of 'accepted' and 'closed'
      if category is not set, use default category defined in trac.ini
      start date in chart different to set start date in ticket
      with IE9: chart doesn't resize to web page width
      PATCH: fixed menu item height
      schedule=asap: Partially completed tasks should have unworked hours starting today
      how can I use LDAP groups in authzpolicy.conf file of fine grained permission?
      TypeError: argument 3 must be string or read-only buffer, not None
      PdfImg macro runs with 100% cpu load
      calling PdfImg macro for PDF files of many pages takes very long
      display the component for each timeline entry, and enable to filter by component
      support of pdf file ressource path for Apache location
      check 0.11 compatibility
      component selection depending on projects
      project-related roadmap filtering/grouping: project group boxes on|off
      project-related timeline page filtering of wiki changes
      user-defined field used to define the "project" (e.g. by using component)
      all images in crystal_project\16x16 are not displayed
      [PATCH] if the milestone due date is the only given date at all, ALAP scheduling must use it as end date of last successor ticket
      Umlauts doesn't work
      Localization / translation support (L10N)
      simple import failed
      in ASAP mode: end date of ticket 1 is after start date of ticket 2 although 2 depends on 1
      chart display error: TypeError: can't compare datetime.date to NoneType
      [PATCH] colorBy=status should use fixed colours
      Optimized resource leveling (if there are ticket dependencies)
  • open tickets in which I'm currently interested:
    • #2453
      Feature Request: Images in two clicks.
      How about suggesting other fields?
      Possibility to create Burndown chart with mutiple lines
      autocomplete other fields (reporter and keywords)
      Hide fields instead of dropping them
      KeywordSuggestPlugin does not work well with Ffx4.0 betas
      Tickets with parent don't layout chronologically
      Don't show tickets with "negative" resolutions in the chart
      In ALAP scheduling, today is not a valid end date if no dates are assigned
      Scheduling sometimes fails completely
      Ready for feedback?
      Release version 0.4.2 and 0.5.0 of plugin
      Upgrade t-h.o to Trac 1.0
      Cannot update a ticket using trac.ticket.model.save_changes with both a 'comment' and a 'when' field.
      Support storing calculated schedule
      [patch] Compatibility with 0.11
      [patch] Add a "skip this cell" pseudo-field
      Can't move radio buttons
      Install a UML diagramming tool
      error produced by module simplemultiproject.admin_component.smpcomponentadminpanel trac 0.11.7
      AttributeError: 'Chrome' object has no attribute 'add_wiki_toolbars'
  • solved trac-hacks tickets created by me



  • Name: F@lk Brettschneider
  • Location: Dresden, Germany
  • Email: fbrettschneider @t baumer.com