SQL Table in Wiki Page


This is a simple macro that enables you to place tables resulting from SQL queries into a wiki page.

It is similar to, but simpler than, SqlQueryMacro. The main differences are that it has fewer dependencies and always queries the Trac database, rather than letting you set up a separate data connection.


Use the SQLTable macro:

        SELECT count(id) as 'Number of Tickets'
        FROM ticket

The result will be a table.

Use the SQLScalar macro:

        SELECT count(id) as 'Number of Tickets'
        FROM ticket

The result will be a single number.


  1. Install globally with:
      sudo easy_install https://trac-hacks.org/svn/wikitablemacro/0.11/
  2. Enable the plugin by updating TracIni file (..../trac.ini) as follows:
      wikitable.* = enabled
  3. Restart web server on command line:
        $ sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart

Bugs/Feature Requests

Existing bugs and feature requests for WikiTableMacro are here.

If you have any issues, create a new ticket.

Known issues

  1. Issue: If incorrect SQL sentences are entered, auto preview (Trac 0.12) isn´t updated, neither any error message is shown until you submit / save your changes. When you save changes Trac will rise error message. You will not be able to edit that wiki page anymore.
    1. Workaround / Tip: You can still delete incorrect wiki entry by going into Timeline and locating diff link.

Source & Download

You can check out WikiTableMacro from here using Subversion, or browse the source with Trac.

Download the zipped source from here.

Recent Changes

[10997] by rjollos on 12/03/11 01:17:23

Fixes #9520: Fixed incorrect URL in setup.py. Thanks to AdrianFritz for the report.

[10442] by rjollos on 07/12/11 07:53:47

Show plugin's svn revision on webadmin plugin panel.

[7526] by rjollos on 02/09/10 08:39:04

Add repository URL to setup.py. Fixes #6462

[7523] by rjollos on 02/09/10 08:08:16

Add new maintainer to setup.py. Fixes #6594.


Author: optilude
Maintainer: rjollos

Some Patches

I added below to render_macro to provide a rudimentary sort of variable function.

    def render_macro(self, req, name, content):
+        c = content.split("|;|")
+        content = c[0]
+        if len(c) > 1 :
+                for i in c[1:] :
+                        v = i.split("=")
+                        if len(v) > 1 :
+                                k = v[0]
+                                v = v[1]
+                                content = content.replace(k,v)

i.e. you can do something like this

        SELECT "a", count($id) as 'Number of Tickets' 
        FROM ticket
        SELECT "b", count($id) as 'Number of Tickets' 
        FROM ticket|;|$id=id

Useful when you have the same id that you don't want to keep on retyping over.