Migrate to new environment and another database


The plugin provides migrate command which migrates to new environment and another database for trac-admin.

Bugs/Feature Requests

Existing bugs and feature requests for TracMigratePlugin are here.

If you have any issues, create a new ticket.


Download the zipped source from here.


You can check out TracMigratePlugin from here using Subversion, or browse the source with Trac.


  1. Install the plugin for Trac 0.12 or later.
    easy_install http://trac-hacks.org/svn/tracmigrateplugin/0.12
  2. Enable the plugin in trac.ini
    tracmigrate.* = enabled


$ trac-admin /var/trac/blah-sqlite migrate /var/trac/blah-psql postgres://tracuser:password@localhost/trac?schema=blah
Copying tables:
  attachment table... 10 records.
  auth_cookie table... 9 records.
  cache table... 11 records.
  component table... 5 records.
  enum table... 13 records.
  milestone table... 7 records.
  node_change table... 37 records.
  permission table... 17 records.
  report table... 11 records.
  repository table... 5 records.
  revision table... 35 records.
  session table... 2 records.
  session_attribute table... 19 records.
  ticket table... 35 records.
  ticket_change table... 110 records.
  ticket_custom table... 375 records.
  version table... 2 records.
  wiki table... 93 records.
Copying directories:
  attachments directory... done.
  htdocs directory... done.
  templates directory... done.
  plugins directory... done.

Recent Changes

[11886] by jun66j5 on 08/02/12 23:48:17

tracmigrate: initial check-ins

[11885] by jun66j5 on 08/02/12 23:38:58

New hack TracMigratePlugin, created by jun66j5


Author: jun66j5
Maintainer: jun66j5