Convert content of wiki pages to S5 Slideshows


This page documents the 0.11/0.12/1.0 version of the plugin. For the 0.10 version documentation, see SlideShowPlugin/0.10.

The SlideShow plugin converts Wiki pages into a DHTML enabled slideshow using S5. It is based loosely on the DocuWiki S5 plugin.

Click the Slideshow link at the bottom of any Wiki page to view that page as an S5 SlideShow. Alternatively you can add the [[SlideShow]] macro to a page.

A top-level level 1 heading (= Heading =) and its following section will be converted into the title page of the slideshow, with following level 2 headings and their corresponding sections converted into subsequent slides.


There are 7 themes available, blue, default, dokuwiki, flower, i18n, pixel, and yatil.

Themes can be selected from the macro with: [[SlideShow(theme=<theme>)]].

Bugs/Feature Requests

Existing bugs and feature requests for SlideShowPlugin are here.

If you have any issues, create a new ticket.


Download the zipped source from here.


You can check out SlideShowPlugin from here using Subversion, or browse the source with Trac.


  1. Install
    • By hand:
      1. ....
    • Using easy_install:
      $ [sudo] easy_install
      • sudo is optional case you already have enough authority to modify your server.
  2. Restart your web server (this example command line for Apache on Ubuntu).
    $ [sudo] /etc/init.d/apache2 restart
  3. Enable the plugin.
    • by updating your trac.ini with this:
      slideshow.slideshow.slideshowrenderer = enabled
    • or accessing your Admin panel ( ..admin/general/plugins );
  4. Configure your environment. See section bellow.
  5. Plugin install troubleshooting (general) visit TracPlugins.


There are a few options that can be specified in the [slideshow] section of trac.ini.

The Slideshow content conversion link at the bottom of each wiki page can be disabled with the following option:

show_content_conversion = false

The default theme can be specified with the following option:

default_theme = <themename>

Note that one of the themes is named default and if the default_theme option is unspecified, then default_theme = default is used.


= Slideshow Title = Title page content.
== Slide 1 Title == Slide 1 content.
== Slide 2 Title == Slide 2 content.

Recent Changes

[11803] by rjollos on 07/27/12 10:14:36

Refs #10189: Attachment TracLinks were not being rendered correctly. Context.from_request needs a Resource objects as its second argument.

[11797] by rjollos on 07/26/12 06:50:12

Refs #10183: More refactoring: variable renames and code reorganization. Fixed indentation of documentation on WikiMacros page.

[11796] by rjollos on 07/26/12 06:21:59

Refs #10183: (0.3dev) Misc fixes and cleanup.

  • FIX: WikiStart was not being matched when path_info was /wiki. Regex for match was copied from
  • Options are now read at file scope rather than within method calls.
  • Modified entry_points so that an empty can be used.
  • Removed obsolete ClearSilver template.
  • Organized imports.

[11795] by rjollos on 07/26/12 05:33:27

Refs #10183: Specify resource ID when getting context. Fixes an error in resolving wiki page TracLinks.

Thanks to for testing and reporting the defect.


Author: athomas
Maintainer: rjollos
Contributors: dgynn, JimCheetham
