XMailPlugin allows to send periodically user-specific mails of new or changed tickets


Extented Mail Plugin

XMail provides extensive user specific mail options, including cycled mail deliveries.

Basically there are two different kind of filtered mail delivery:

  • cycled mails (e.g. daily, weekly, etc.)
  • immediate mail, but with a user-specific filter (e.g. only high-prio tickets)

Create new filter for sending by mail:

Screenshot New Filter

Wish list / next to do

At the moment normal SQL is saved in XMail-View. It would be better if it would be reports instead; thus it would be more flexible and other users could take the same report for their email notification.

Bugs/Feature Requests

Existing bugs and feature requests for MailPlugin are here.

If you have any issues, create a new ticket.


This plugin needs some improvement (ideally merging with AnnouncerPlugin):

  • Using reports instead of pure SQL-Where-Clause
  • When changing ticket, see ticket change

Known Bugs / Issues

  • thread for sending mails is only starting when first Trac-Page was retrieved
  • database table is only initialized when main view of XMail is displayed

tested with:

  • ubuntu and Windows (python 2.6.5)
  • PostgreSQL 8.1 and 8.4


Download the zipped source from here.

Or download precompiled python egg.


You can check out MailPlugin from here using Subversion, or browse the source with Trac.


Send mails every week of new or changed tickets of a milestone.

Recent Changes

[10994] by aleuhe on 12/02/11 16:05:15

If a single filter with a number with more than one digit had to be deleted the number was splitted into its digits (i.e. 15 => 1,5) So the wrong filters were edited or deleted

Now fixed by checking the type of selection.

[10993] by aleuhe on 12/02/11 14:20:57

changed use of database to "with self.env.db_... as db:" according to requirements of trac 0.13

fixed key error raising, when "summary" is not checked in filter

[10943] by aleuhe on 11/25/11 15:58:40

Changed the statements to connect to the database to the with-clauses

{{{#!py with self.env.db_transaction as db: }}} and {{{#!py with self.env.db_query as db: }}}

[10942] by aleuhe on 11/25/11 15:47:24

copying sources to trunk, since future changes will be made for Trac version 0.13


Author: framay
Maintainer: framay
