List project components with descriptions


Adds a wiki macro [[Components]] which lists and describes the project's components, and links to wiki pages describing the components in more detail, and any tickets for the components.

Bugs/Feature Requests

Existing bugs and feature requests for ComponentsProcessorMacro are here.

If you have any issues, create a new ticket.


Download the zipped source from here.


You can check out ComponentsProcessorMacro from here using Subversion, or browse the source with Trac.


Example 1:

List all components.

This wiki page content:

This project has these components:


The formatted output:

Output for {{{[[Components()]]}}} example.

Example 2

List only components starting with "Admin".

This wiki page content:

The Admin related components are:


The formatted output:

Output for {{{[[Components(Admin)]]}}} example.

Recent Changes

[8457] by rjollos on 08/27/10 20:40:53

Applied svn:keywords so that with changes in [7432] revision info is shown on webadmin plugin's panel. Fixes #6454.

[7432] by TerryBrown on 01/22/10 05:46:29

applied rjollos's path from ticket #6454

[4194] by TerryBrown on 08/28/08 17:55:40

Applied patch from 'anonymous' to handle components with spaces in their names. I think component names should be WikiWords?, but the patch handles spaces, so might as well allow for them - thanks 'anonymous'.

[3079] by TerryBrown on 01/17/08 20:23:54

Added regular expression filtering of the components listed.


Author: TerryBrown
Maintainer: TerryBrown
