

A plugin that will automatically add and keep up to date trac:InterTrac configuration information for a directory full of trac installs.

At our office we have many tracs for many different projects and it became difficult to maintain the InterTrac configuration. This plugin aims to handle that automatically. It will not save this configuration to disk, but it should always be available to trac.

Bugs/Feature Requests

Existing bugs and feature requests for AutoInterTracPlugin are here.

If you have any issues, create a new ticket.

Download & Source

If you experience any issues please report them Download the zipped source:


or browse the source with Trac.


Add the following to your trac.ini to get the plugin to automatically add trac intertrac configuration for each of your trac instances

base_dir = /var/trac/
base_url = https://my.trac.url

Recent Changes

[9631] by bobbysmith007 on 12/07/10 16:47:13

Got auto intertrac not doubling logging (shouldnt have called env.setup_config a second time) - r 0.0.4

[9373] by bobbysmith007 on 10/29/10 17:41:33

Updated plugin to work with trac > 12.1

[9372] by bobbysmith007 on 10/29/10 17:37:48

[9371] by bobbysmith007 on 10/29/10 17:37:11


Author: bobbysmith007
Maintainer: bobbysmith007