
Generally favorable reviews - based on 20 Critics What's this?

User Score

Mixed or average reviews- based on 103 Ratings

  • Summary: Persona 4 Arena uses hand-drawn, high definition 2D anime-style fighters and colorful, over-the-top special effects to bring to life a roster of fighters from Persona 3 and Persona 4.
Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 20 out of 20
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 20
  3. Negative: 0 out of 20
  1. 90
    With an absolutely stellar presentation, some of the most memorable tracks picked from the last game, an arsenal of modes to play, and one of the lengthiest stories in a fighting game, Persona 4 Arena has everything a fighter should have, plus more.
  2. Aug 31, 2012
    Simply put, it's one of the best fighters to grace the console. It'll keep you coming back for more over and over, but I did find myself wishing there were more characters and more of the story. Still, as a fighter, it hits all of the high marks.
  3. 90
    A superbly effective combination of the very best of Persona's storytelling and character design, with one of the best 2D fighters of the modern era.

See all 20 Critic Reviews

Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 14 out of 25
  2. Negative: 10 out of 25
  1. I normally hate fighting games like this, but I found this one oddly entertaining. The story was surprisingly pretty good and was a great follow up to Persona 4. This was the first fighting game I've found to be fun at all, good job Atlus. Expand
  2. 10/10 for the game. Excellent fighter, arguably the best Arc System Works game since BlazBlue. Bu, unfortunately, 1/10 for the region lock. Unless you read niche gaming blocks, you may not be aware this game contains a lockout preventing PS3s from outside of the USA and Canada from reading the disc. As I have the FFXIII limited edition PS3 from Japan, I cannot play the game. I bought it completely unaware of this, and now am stuck with a $60 coaster. After googling the issue I found information on it, but now it is too late. I will have to purchase a Japanese copy of the game to play it. If you have a USA PS3, I highly recommend this game as it is amazing, but if your console is imported be aware you will have to buy the version that matches your region or it will not work. Atlus, in the future if you must region lock again, please print a warning sticker or something to prevent unaware buyers from purchasing the game. Nothing sucks more than playing $60 to be stuck with a coaster. Expand
  3. This is the first PS3 game with region locking, a terrible precedent and one that was not announced in the 20 or so fluff emails about the game. Nothing beats getting a game and then getting an error you didn't even know existed. On top of that, the game is rather weak. P4Arena is a solid pass. Expand

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