Fallout news teased

Three Dog voice actor Erik Todd Dellums hints at reprising role for upcoming entry in role-playing game series.

Bethesda may soon have news to share for Fallout fans. Voice actor Erik Todd Dellums, who performed the role of Three Dog in Fallout 3, teased on Twitter recently (via Eurogamer) that his character may return in an upcoming entry in the role-playing game series.

"To all my #Fallout3 and #ThreeDog fans: There may be more of the Dog coming! Fingers crossed!," Dellums wrote, noting he was given permission to make the announcement.

Bethesda has not announced any new Fallout games, and a company representative was not immediately available to comment.

A rumor from August 2012 suggested Fallout 4 would be set in Boston, Massachusetts. Bethesda developers reportedly have been "scoping out and researching" the city.

The most recent Fallout title was 2010's Fallout: New Vegas, which was developed by Obsidian Entertainment and set in a postapocalyptic Las Vegas. Its predecessor, Fallout 3, was developed by Bethesda Game Studios and took place in Washington DC and the surrounding area.

Eddie Makuch
By Eddie Makuch, News Editor

Eddie Makuch (Mack-ooh) is a News Editor at GameSpot. He works out of the company's Boston office in Somerville, Mass., and loves extra chunky peanut butter.

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Keaze_ like.author.displayName 1 Like

You guys are wrong.  Yes three dog was irritating and annoying, but he's the guy that put life in the wasteland.  It shows that people are still trying to have normal lives.  He has a radio station that relays enthusiasm to counter the horror of the nuclear falllout and life in improvised shelters.


oh come on just wait for next gen beth :(


And they decided to hint a potential sequel with the single most terrible character in Fallout 3 (well him or Moira anyway). Good job Bethesda...

Draken_Domingo like.author.displayName 1 Like

I kind of wish that Bethesda would give Obsidian the reigns on Fallout 4, except instead of pressuring a release date on them, just let them have their space and build the best Fallout possible. The amount of cut content (and of course, game breaking bugs) in New Vegas was disheartening, and yet was still arguably the better of the FPS Fallout games.

Although, seeing Fallout 4 on Skyrim's engine could be pretty interesting (assuming they go full circle, using a modified Oblivion engine for Fo3)


YES Bethesda is making Fallout 4. i loved fallout 3 thought fallout new vegas was alright, bethesda knows how to make a game

CloudYildiz like.author.displayName 1 Like

Wish Bethesda could make these games once in every 2 years instead of 5.

Truly one of the best game merchandises around.


@CloudYildiz the bugs would be even worse than games that took 5 years they would be so big you would think you went back 300.000.000 years


@Venatorcruiser I didnt have too many issues with FO3, then again i use a 360


@cortana64 @Venatorcruiser The 360 version was riddled with problems just like it's PC and PS3 counterparts. Freezing, broken saves, broken quests, etc. Some of these problems were fixed through patching though.


The amount of morons commenting on this page makes my heart ache concerning the fan base.


I never would have imagined I would prefer Fallout over Elder Scrolls considering I am all about Fantasy RPGs but somehow it just fits the engine better.


MGS:GZ, bioshock infinite and now FO4!!! hmmmmmm,  guess GTA5 probably won't be GOTY....


Dammit, if this comes out this year - it most likely won't, but still - I will have no friends left by the end of 2013 because I wasted so much time playing GTA V, Bioshock Infinite, and Injustice. You add Fallout 4 on to the end of that last and you can promise I'll be like all those Call of Duty kids who keep dying to due their long game marathons.

UncleAnesthesia like.author.displayName like.author.displayName like.author.displayName 3 Like

I killed three dog by accident.


@UncleAnesthesia I stole his hat with reverse pick pocketing. He was also none too pleased with me blowing up Megaton.  And I told him, "But it was such an eyesore!"

jhr77 like.author.displayName 1 Like

I also heard that a Fallout movie may be in the works that's why this guy is talking about Three Dog coming back.  My advice to Bethesda....please don't.


They should add mountable animals and vehicles to use move around



Walking in fallout is an essential part of the game, esp. because you are always scavenging the wastelands, but they should add vehicles but some weird looking, slow moving machines you build out of components you find and collect in the game for that sole purpose. 

I hope that they will not omit the bobbleheads this time like did in New Vegas, anyways can't wait for Fallout 4 to make its appearance.


for example have flyable vertibirds and remember those motorcycle components that were junk in Fallout 3 why not make it possible to build one using the components


@Venatorcruiser There was a car you could build in Fallout 2.  It was basically essential, however, since they didn't have true fast travel.


I hunted down, and minigun'ed Three Dog during my playthrough. irritating fool

bumfun82 like.author.displayName 1 Like

Im sure I shot this annoying tool in the face in fallout 3.  He sucks.


Can't wait, my friend got me hooked on the Fallout series, and to hear Fallout 4 is coming is a "God" send lol, and to have a familiar voice telling of our exploits, it'll be like New Vegas never happened. Although I did like New Vegas and the only thing better are the weapons, customization and variety. Have this in Fallout 4 and you may have all my money!!


Looking forward to it... I just hope it'll graphically match next gen games, wouldn't want it to look like skyrim while my ps4 or xbox ### spin games 20 times better looking.

Just saying because Fallout 3 wasn't really that impressive at the time of release, even though I loved the game and graphics didn't bother me, just saying.


@Shinteikun At the time of release, it actually was quite incredible, especially considering the fact that the game world was huge. Granted, it was more gravel and shrubs than buildings and objects, but the detail and effort put into the textures were recognised as groundbreaking to a certain extent.


Good to hear :D I am currently playing New Vegas and I miss Three Dog D:

what is a game hell if I know, but am gonna keep playing anyway :P

Venatorcruiser like.author.displayName like.author.displayName 2 Like

It would be cool to have a Fallout set in New York city and its surrounding areas or even London


@Venatorcruiser Though I would like to see more games feature locations beyond the United States, in the Fallout franchise the US is simply a better location due to the plot. The Great War that occurred was mainly between the United States, China, and the USSR, so although just about every other country participated as well, those three were the main competitors and therefore contain the most lore. I would recommend Russia as a location though that would probably mean the game would be filled with horrible fake Russian accents, plus Metro already has Russia as its post-apocalyptic setting and does so quite phenomenally. 

SUNDRAGONJ like.author.displayName like.author.displayName 2 Like

@Venatorcruiser That might not happen since a lot of movies have New York as the setting for their post apocalyptic movies, so it would be unoriginal.


@SUNDRAGONJ @Venatorcruiser But london would be a potentially good setting or LA and other parts of california


@Venatorcruiser @SUNDRAGONJ actually im all for a new york setting. putting aside my inability to visit the city, the boroughs may present a "waterworld"-esque environment something new as opposed to the ever present deserts in fallout. 


Awesome...Love Fallout 3...I'd say end 2014 release. 


great news - put so many hours into F3 and FNV, and would love another Fallout game.


If Bethesda is doing it (which we know they will be) then I'm gonna take all my f*cks and go.

BuBsay like.author.displayName 1 Like

As much as I enjoy the Elder Scrolls universe, nothing touches the tongue-in-cheek sarcastic universe of Fallout for sandbox games.

rollerloller like.author.displayName 1 Like

Improve physics, make better companions and fix their AI, get someone from Obsidian to write the dialogues and storyline, keeps bugs and glitches minimal, better streamlining without feature-cutting...etc.


Fallout 4 would be one hell of a next gen launch title. We usually don't get games like this on launch, but it has to be very intriguing idea. I know it will more than likely have a ton of bugs which will be a major problem for brand new hardware, but if they can somehow make it work I got a feeling us and the devs will be happy when they launch. 



God.....Bethesda can't make unbuggy games for 7 year old hardware that they've already made games for imagine the chaos of them having a launch title

Although that doesn't bother me now since I only get their games for PC now



Great, another person who complains about the bugs in the final build. They are present, but you can get around most of the game breaking ones and enjoy your experience. Bethesda is pretty much the only developer that gives you vast worlds in the palm of your hand for $60 or £40, I think that's more than enough to stay quiet about.


@SirNormanislost  Can you imagine how many there are during playtesting?


@tightwad34 @SirNormanislost oh yeah always makes think "if they game released like this how buggy was it before?"

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