The Best of 2012 Awards

There was a noticeable change of direction for the gaming industry in 2012. As many developers shifted their gaze toward the next generation, the big-budget games that would normally fill our time were in much shorter supply. Thankfully, those that did surface often delighted, intrigued, or otherwise compelled us in some way, so there was again no shortage of diverse, memorable games. Don't think for a second that fewer retail releases dampened our enthusiasm during our heated Game of the Year discussions. Downloadable games have grown immeasurably in recent years, and the wealth of quality experience gave us ample opportunity to argue endlessly in favor of those that moved us. If 2012 is the last full year of the current generation, it certainly ended in a rising crescendo worthy of the technology that's finally being put to rest.

Our approach to this year's award ceremony is slightly different than previous ones. We still have an overall Game of the Year, along with platform- and genre-specific awards. But our Special Achievements, where we focus on individual aspects of games, have taken a new life. No longer do we focus on broad categories such as Funniest Game or Best Soundtrack. Instead, we cut to the heart of what our chosen games did that was worthy of commendation, and phrase the award accordingly. That means there are no longer nominees fighting over the crown given that most of these awards are worded in such a way that only one game actually fits the criteria.

Don't think we forget about you, our passionate readers. Last year, our People's Choice award opened the door to every game released in the year, but we've taken a different approach this time. Using our own secret formula, we selected 64 of the best games of the year, and randomly threw them into a bracket where they move through the ranks based on the popular vote from readers just like you. The cutoff for eligibility is December 4th, 2012, and the voting begins on December 7th.

Enjoy the spectacle!

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hostX9 50 pts

Why are there no Wii games of the year, just Wii U....

starsmith4_spot 22 pts

GS's staff aren't you going to design an emblem like years before?

goriv 48 pts

who the hell said that AC3 deserves much better???


f**k that!  feed him/her to the LIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

topgame2005 8 pts

 goriv AC3 was a huge dispointment


surjeet47 6 pts

Max Payne 3 is best game of 2012 in this game best story and best mission so i am choose Max Payne..........

shahazad007 5 pts

MAXPAYNE 3   was better dan   FAR CRY 3....some missions in far cry 3 is booring.......maxpayne3 is best 

Dan__Thomas 6 pts


Max payne 3 was really good no question, WAY to many cut scenes you cant skip though.  It also didnt really feel like a true follow up to max payne 2.

stonhengehill 51 pts





heguain 22 pts

assassin's creed iii !!!!!!! it should be the winner not this crappy journey even if it's not ac3 what happened to the other ones like max payne 3 , far cry 3 , hitman absolution, mass effect 3 any of these should win!!!!!!!! Damn U Gamespot !!! with ur crappy decisions and reviews!!!

macharlenstarr 5 pts

how this ugly game won. how much did she spend to win? gamespot  what are you

Jay_Foams 5 pts

The best sports game in 2012 has to be NBA 2K13

jimjoker1988 5 pts

for me was hitman absolution .was nice to be a silent assasin

amirreza92 10 pts

I think mass effect 3 deserves to be goty but i am a little disappointed that we dont have special achievements like best story,graphics,...

KingofgamersX 19 pts

 amirreza92 Gamespot is loosing against IGN that's why 

speedfreak48t5p 57 pts

Seeing my 2 favourite games of 2012 Far Cry 3 and Forza Horizon in the finals makes me so happy!

T-Team 9 pts

Some were great,some were bad, but mixing all the year was awesome


usermikey 9 pts

A lot of great games this year.

stricot 9 pts

fully second to this - previous years' system was good, if it aint broken why fixing it ? No dubious honours not to make enemies ?

Lazy_Marine 40 pts

i dont like the new gamespot GOTY layout

luckylucas11 10 pts

Gamespot the layout this year is awful, as is the lack of dubious honours

BlackDevil99 58 pts

Ok, so next time I think GameSpot go back to the old format, Best Genre awards, Best Console Awards (maybe make a special exclusive section for each console and best multi-plat), special achievement awards (and by that we mean Best Writing, Best Voice Acting, Best Art, ect), dubious awards (most product placement, worst soundtrack, ect) each with 5 nominees and both a peoples choice vote once the nominees are revealed and an editors choice award. and then have GOTY between 10-20 games with both a peoples choice vote and the editors choice (maybe even show us what each editor thought was the GOTY), agree?

LE5LO 163 pts

 BlackDevil99 I like the sound of that. Or...alternatively, simplifying it to just a list numerically ordered from best to worst and no viewing the percentages until it's over.

BlackDevil99 58 pts

 LE5LO listing within each category, or just one huge list?

dioroq 9 pts

Come on gamespot, you should bring back dubious honors... and what happened to other awards like best story, best graphics, best multipayer, etc.?

mixalisss13 37 pts

just be glad there are so many good games.

ziproy 494 pts

Gamespot this is the worst awards season you have ever done. You've removed the peoples choice awards almost completely (except for ONE category)

AQWBlaZer91 25 pts

I wonder if they will have a list up for most disapointing or worst games of 2012?

LE5LO 163 pts

 AQWBlaZer91 I doubt it...the sponsors would steer clear. But for my personal picks...Zombi-U? Hitman: Absolution? Max Payne 3? It just wouldn't be fair to pick one of the later two as they had some merits...I'd say Zombi-U should take home that prestigious award. Anybody else?

Stevo_the_gamer 60 pts

It's December 17th, GS! y u no release platform winnerz?

BlackDevil99 58 pts

 Stevo_the_gamer they use 3pm EST/ 12 noon PST as their release time, quite stupid i think, but then again look at how the people choice is being handeled...

Jay_Foams 5 pts

Nba 2k13 is the best game out this year hands down !

SNYPER513 7 pts

 Jay_Foams  You have the right to an opinion, but NBA 2K13 has changed almost nothing. While we have revolutionary games such as The Walking Dead and Dishonored going way out of the park creating new genres. 

Jay_Foams 5 pts

 SNYPER513 But thats the best sport game out this year. Honesty the best game is MAX PAYNE 3 but for sports 2K13

Jay_Foams 5 pts

 kartik24 It's the best sport game


BlueTurtz 62 pts

Damn, dishonored and me3 are really close, i think Dishonored deserves it over me3


 BlueTurtz but no halo 4 gamespot is now some other videogame page reviews



LE5LO 163 pts

 FELOFLOW What does that even mean? It just tells me english is clearly not your first language.

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jsonaut 24 pts

I've never played a Pokemon game before, but I'm so far 100 odd hours into Pokemon Black 2 and I think it's amazing.  For me, this and The Walking Dead are game of the year for me.

naruto0187 18 pts

 jsonaut You should try playing the other versions. The Pokemon Series is really amazing and addicting. My personal favorite is HeartGold.

jsonaut 24 pts

 naruto0187  You know, I just might have to do that, thanks for the reply.

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