

4 Mar 2008, 18:08

I received criticism for not accepting criticism on the Nu ordeR page... ok, let's take this the long way.
Zian0 said a couple of months ago that we could do better if we practiced. I didn't deleted his comment.
Another guy said that our songs aren't music. I deleted that comment...
See the difference? Not to mention that we got a lot of more of those kind, both personal and for the band. I call those guys 'haters'. Just because we're not death metal or something like that, it doesn't mean that we are not artists (small artists, but still artists)...

So, don't get me wrong when I'm saying that we accept criticism when it's done the right way (meaning to talk nicely, even to point out the mistakes, we welcome help of any kind)...

Hope you'll get the message :D

PS: for those who want to help us, tag us as alternative, alternative rock, alternative metal, industrial, industrial rock, industrial metal, rock and anything related, cause that's our direction :) Thank you


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