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It’s Albert’s world. We just live in it
Cell phones. DVD players. Grocery scanners. Einstein's theories lurk in the background of almost every aspect of modern life.
The icon vs. the man
The nutty professor whose face adorns T-shirts is very different from the young scientist who changed the world with his theories.
Einstein the philosopher
His scientific achievements meant that whenever Einstein spoke, people listened. His ideas on pacifism and religion are still hotly debated.
Women on the frontier
Many of Einstein's intellectual successors are women, tackling fields ranging from string theory to cosmic-ray astronomy.
Your tributes to Einstein’s greatest feats
What was the physicist's most influential achievement? Your e-mails hail the equations as well as the man behind them.
Einstein and Darwin: A tale of 2 theories
Neil deGrasse Tyson, head of the Hayden Planetarium, helps explain why relativity and evolution hold such different places in our culture.
Lights signal Einstein anniversary
Science buffs at Princeton begin worldwide tribute of famed physicist
How far could Einstein get today?
Scientists like him come around only once every few centuries — and social changes could well make it harder for a lone genius.

Putting Einstein to the test
Why relativity is right ... and still relevant
Slide show
Becoming American
Life of genius
View a photographic timeline spanning the life of Albert Einstein.

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