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For gamers, the holidays can be a special time, laden with holly-decked memories of gift-giving, cookie-baking and quality time with friends and family. But more importantly, new games. We asked some of the elves hard at work on top secret Halo stuff members of our studio to take a moment out of their preparations and share a few fond holiday recollections. Brace yourselves, Spartans. It's about to get warm and fuzzy up in here.

Halo Winter Border

Jay Frechette

On a snowy Christmas in 1996, my brother and I got a Nintendo64 with Mario64. We were living in a small town at the time so our friends came over see this AMAZING new system and game. We spent the entire day in front of the TV playing. Everyone wanted a chance to play, so we set the timer on the microwave for 6 minutes and took turns with the controller.

Chris Wilson

In 1989 my twin brother and I had begged our parents for a Nintendo Entertainment system. On Christmas morning, we opened our regular gifts and were disappointed not to get our one coveted gift. But hidden behind the tree was a big box! My brother tore it open and inside was our new NES along with 5 games – Super Mario Brothers, Legend of Zelda, Ikari Warriors, Elevator Action and Duck Hunt. It was glorious and we didn’t sleep much for the rest of our holiday break.

Johan Moe

It was the Christmas of 97’ and I received Diddy Kong Racing from my aunt and uncle. As I am from Norway, we open up presents on Christmas Eve and not Christmas morning. I was over the moon, looking forward to play it all night long. My mom, on the other hand, said I had to wait until the morning. I woke up at 4AM just to play and then I invited my neighbor over to play with me at 8AM or so. I was in heaven: Video game, cocoa, fire in the fireplace and 2 feet of snow outside.

Scott Warner

In a deliberate attempt to date myself, a Holiday gaming memory I have that I still remember as if it was yesterday was waking up on that special day in the mid 80’s and instead of bolting out to go open presents, logging on to a RPG-driven bulletin board system called “The Proving Grounds” so that I could write the FIRST POST of “Merry L33T Christmas!” to my fellow adventurers. Unfortunately upon signing in, my Christmas cheer and youthful innocence were ruined when the BBS informed me that, while I was away, my character had been killed by another user: A hig level unscrupulous mercenary who went by the rather inventive name “YOUR MOM!” Nobody wants to get killed by YOUR MOM! on Christmas Day.

Annie Dennisdóttir-Wright

Every Christmas Eve at my family’s house, my brother and I play Mario Kart until we can’t stay awake anymore. It started out as a way to keep us busy so that we didn’t pester our parents while they were preparing for Christmas festivities, because most of the time we weren’t allowed to just play video games for hours and hours, but now it’s our tradition. I’m always Yoshi and my brother is always Toad. Grand Prix, 150 cc. If we managed to make it through all the cups, we’d start a 50-turn round of Mario Party on Peaches’ Birthday Cake, and that plus too much dinner would usually knock us right out.

Eric Kramer

Every Christmas my brother and myself would receive a bounty of Flea Market games, ranging from Sega Genesis games to N64 games. After all the gifts were opened, we would retreat to our glorious Fortress of Solitude (my brother’s room). In this Fortress of Solitude we’d spend the rest of the day playing the “hidden gems of mighty cheapness” while the rest of the family worked hard on our Christmas dinner.

Will Hardin

I immediately think of legacy of Kain. Christmas 1996, back in Northern Idaho, the day after Christmas I went and purchased Legacy of Kain with my Xmas money and that night it snowed two feet and kept on snowing. Being snowed in, I immersed myself in the land of Nosgoth and I played it for two weeks straight. I will always think fondly of that Xmas and to this day it remains one of my favorite games of all time. “Vae Victis!!”

Andy Dudynsky

Christmas 2008 –

I heard that around 30 of my best friends and some of the best Halo players in the world would be traveling to a house in Chicago to meet up and play Halo 3 at what would become one of the biggest Halo LANs of all time. I immediately booked a flight for the day after Christmas, and as the snow fell outside, we played unending hours of H3 and arcade games and certainly didn’t get much sleep. We all slept in ridiculous spots on the floor, made life-long friendships and Chicago became the home of competitive Halo for the next 3 years, as most of us would return at least a dozen times over the next 3 years to practice for tournaments and get away from the terrors of “real life”.

Adam Nielsen

In December 1991, we were heading back from a friend’s house when we hit a patch of black ice and our van collided with a truck in someone’s drive way. We were invited inside their home while we waited for a tow truck. My brother and I met a new friend that day: The Super Nintendo! The son of this family was sitting down and invited us to join him as he played Super Mario World. Don’t remember how far we got, but it was a blast to play and it made my brother and me giddy as all heck.

Vic Deleon

It was a perfect Christmas day; Halo 2 had just shipped and I was on vacation. I remember eating the most delicious meatloaf I've ever had in my life. The dessert was Crème Brûlée with Master Chief's helmet burned on the top. It was insanely good. Then I played some Halo and got 9 kills with only 2 deaths in one game. Those of you who have played with me know that's virtually impossible because I suck so bad. After that I took a really long nap. It was indeed, the perfect Christmas Day.

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From Wintergore:

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

12 Days of Halo 4 - A Halo 4 Holiday Song

We’ve updated the Halo 4 Statistics app on Halo Waypoint. To navigate to the Halo 4 Statistics app, click on the “4” logo on the top navigation and log in with your Microsoft account credentials. Check out some the new features below.

In the Challenges section of the app, you’ll find a new Waypoint section that contains challenges supporting the Virgin Gaming Tournament.

Halo 4 Stats

Upcoming Awards
At the top of your Service Record, you’ll now find upcoming awards for your next rank.

Halo 4 Stats

Stats by Map
In War Games (both matchmaking and custom), you can now view your stats by map.

Spartan Ops: Bests, Weapons, and Enemies
You can now view your Bests, stats by weapon, and stats by enemy for Spartan Ops.

Halo 4 Stats

We’ve improved how you view medals.  Now you can see them all in one place, including medals that you haven’t earned yet.

Halo 4 Stats

Stats for Other Players
You can now view War Games, Spartan Ops, and Campaign stats for any player.

Halo 4 Stats

K/D Timeline
It’s now easy to see the kill/death progression throughout a game. In game details, you can view the K/D timeline for all players.

Halo 4 Stats

To check out all of the new features and improvements, head over to!

Happy Halodays - A New HFFL Contest

From HaloFanForLife:

I’m proud to announce HFFL’s Halo Holiday contest. So what is the contest going to be? It’s a classic Christmas song rewrite, with a Halo theme!

The song must include at least two verses and a chorus. Extra thought will be given to entries including artwork. Extra EXTRA thought will be given to those who submit the song as a YouTube video.

I will take submissions for the contest from now until December 23. The grand prize is a Halo Mega Bloks 10th Anniversary Warthog, the second place winner will receive a Mega Bloks Halo Covert Ops: Battle Unit set, and there will be three third prizes. Click the link below for additional information and to enter. Good luck!

Happy Halodays - A New HFFL Contest

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From Diego:

Malukah made a new song, and it's a tribute to Halo and Cortana called "Frozen Sleep". It hits me right in the feels.

Frozen Sleep - A Halo 4 / Cortana Tribute Song

Halo IRL: John-117

by bs angel · 12.19.2012 09:46

Halo is a fictional universe. However, sometimes we catch sight of things in real life that remind us of our favorite science fiction video game franchise. This particular series, titled Halo in Real Life, showcases those very moments. Enjoy the subtle Halo references sometimes spotted when out and about in the real world, and if you have a picture you'd like to submit for possible future inclusion, send it to bsangel[at]!

Halo in Real Life

As seen and captured by funjon

Happy 5th Birthday, Grifball!

by bs angel · 12.19.2012 08:14

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From Kalbelgarion:

Grifball is now five years old. Celebrate the anniversary of the world's greatest sport with birthday wishes from Rooster Teeth, Xbox LIVE, and 343 Industries, including Frank O'Connor, Kiki Wolfkill, and THE Kevin Franklin!

We'll also be running four one-night tournaments this week to celebrate. Check out all the details at!

Happy 5th Birthday, Grifball!

Halo Community Tournament: Halo 4 Flood

From undr zid:

Forge Cafe is hosting its first Forge contest. The deadline will be TWO WEEKS from now, ending December 30th, 2012 at midnight CST.

• You will be given a template that can be downloaded from Lit3rly Log1c's File Share.
• You can add whatever you want to the template, but you are not allowed to edit the template itself.
• How you use the budget is entirely up to you. You could use all of it, or only 500; the choice is yours.
• You can have one partner to collaborate with, or you can work on your own. Note that only one person will be awarded per map.
• The map can support any game type, including mini games, but MUST be functional as a working map.
•Your map must be playable with 16 people, as these will be judged at the Forge Cafe Game Nights.

Disqualification criteria:
• Map was turned in after the deadline.
• Map is not functional. Spawns not set up, spawns off map, trapped spawns, game type not set up, etc.
• Offensive map title or description.
• Stolen map or manipulated map (plagiarized, hacked, or any other means of cheating).

Judging criteria - Maps will be judged based on:
• Aesthetic appeal.
• Reaction of testers.
• Overall fun and replay-ability.
• Creativity.

[1st] 1600 MSP card + premium user promotion.
[2nd] Halo 4 Avatar T-shirt code (male or female) + premium user promotion.
[3rd] Premium user promotion.

Good luck to all participants!

UPDATE: Template has been updated to fix a minor glitch. Contest has been extended 1 week + 1 day; it will now end Monday, January 7th, 2012 at midnight CST. Search "Lit3rly Log1c", "undr zid", or "FC Quicksilver" and download "Contest Template V1.1."

Wild's Forge Challenge - A Forge Cafe Contest

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From CruelLEGACEY:

The Fails of Requiem is back with more fails, wins, and laughs from Halo 4! Episode 2 features a great example of how NOT to prevent your Mantis from being hijacked, a few show-stopping assassinations, as well as some of the worst melee combat you've ever seen!

The Fails of Requiem 2 - A Halo 4 Montage