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Date Set for Shadow Walker

GameArts makes its WiiWare debut later this month.


Lunar and Grandia developer GameArts will be making its WiiWare debut later this month. The all original Shadow Walker was previously announced for October release. Today, the company shared a final release date of October 27. Pricing remains unchanged at 1,000 WiiPoints.

In Shadow Walker, you take control of a blue, flying fairy known as "Popo." Your goal is to guide a yellow-haired boy called Rukusu to a goal.

Rukusu is a forest spirit, and is unable to walk in the light. To guide him, you'll have to make use of Popo's ability to create shadows by casting magic at special Maho Maho Columns that line the levels.

Rukusu to the left and Popo to the right.

You can see more on the game at at its official site, which was updated today with a look at the game's story.

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