YummySoup! for Mac

Publisher's Description

From HungrySeacow Software: YummySoup! 2 has been rewritten from the ground up to make your favorite recipe management app even more powerful than ever! Now including Recipecasts, premium themes for viewing/printing/emailing including 4x6 index and photo paper, and an all-new weekly planner. Your recipes will thank you.

All User Reviews

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    4.0 stars

    out of 1 votes

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    4.0 stars

    out of 7 votes

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  • 4.0 stars

    "A Visual Feast!"

    January 15, 2011  |   By mysteriemaven

    Version: YummySoup! 2.1.4


    Visually pleasing, simple to use and functions well.


    Missing a few basic functions (IMHO) that most recipe software have. I was pleased to learn that these functions, as well as others are slated to be released soon in their upgrade... so no cons except for having to wait a few weeks for the upgrade.


    Pretty near perfect for me, once all features are included in the soon to be released upgrade. I have been in the search for the perfect recipe application and this really fits the bill. If you are a visual learner or the type that likes to buy cookbooks with a fair amount of pictures in it, then this is your dream come true. You can easily scan through your entire library by sight or narrow it down by group or ingredient. The visual aspect is really important for me. I have hundreds of recipes and sometimes I forget the name of them, but I know it when I see it! Even better Yummy Soup! is handling all of them with no problems (other programs I tried, even without such a large library were buggy or problematic in some way). The web importer is superb. Just dray the URL into your library and voila! It is done for you & all in the right places (on some complicated recipes with a number of recipes within a recipe the spacing has been a little off, but nothing like I've experienced before, like scrabble pieces. A little minor editing and all is straightened out). Easy, elegant and visually stunning. It works like it is supposed to, it handles a large library well and there is enough customization and/or options to satisfy most people. Once the upgrades are in place this should kick a**

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What's new in version 2.1.4

- Updated French and Spanish Localizations
- All automatic web importers have been updated.
- Manual and automatic web imports now properly separate paragraphs in the directions.
- AllRecipes importer no longer causes a crash.
- Directions are now edited with proper font and now allow for Italics.
- The few users that had to relaunch to view newly saved recipes will be happy to know this is now fixed.


HungrySeacow Software
Publisher Web Site
Release Date
October 25, 2010
Date Added
October 25, 2010


Home Software
Recipe Software

System Requirements

Operating Systems
Mac OS X 10.5.6 Intel, Mac OS X 10.5 PPC, Mac OS X 10.5 Intel, Mac OS X 10.6 Intel, Mac OS X 10.6, Mac OS X 10.5
Additional Requirements
Not available

Download Information

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License Model
Free to try
15-day trial

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YummySoup! for Mac