MacX YouTube Downloader for Mac

CNET Editors' review

MacX YouTube Downloader for Mac is a free utility for downloading and locally saving videos from YouTube. YouTube has recently implemented changes to prevent downloading of its videos, but MacX YouTube Downloader for Mac seems to be able to bypass the current tricks (unlike some other similar apps). You can download MacX YouTube Downloader for Mac from the publisher's site or from several Mac download portals.

Installing MacX YouTube Downloader for Mac is easy, and the app functions well. There's configurability in the way it operates and the formats it handles, but the defaults will suffice for most users. Even HD videos can be downloaded, as can all standard YouTube formats. The publisher claims over 420 codecs are embedded in the app, but we didn't try all the possible variations after proving we can download the most common ones for playback on Apple devices (including iPhone and iPad). In addition, we could save in native formats for Android and Blackberry.

MacX YouTube Downloader for Mac worked on every clip we tried without an error, which is notable for apps of this type. There is no download manager included, but the clips seemed to download at full connection speed, so the lack of a manager (and simultaneous download streams) wasn't an issue for us. We liked using MacX YouTube Downloader for Mac for its simplicity and reliability.

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All User Reviews
  • All versions:

    4.1 stars

    out of 15 votes

    • 5 star: 7
    • 4 star: 5
    • 3 star: 2
    • 2 star: 0
    • 1 star: 1
  • Current version:

    4.0 stars

    out of 1 votes

    • 5 star: 0
    • 4 star: 1
    • 3 star: 0
    • 2 star: 0
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Results 1-1 of 1

  • 4.0 stars

    "Fast, easy to use"

    November 12, 2012  |   By NightRelic

    Version: MacX YouTube Downloader 3.0.6


    This program launches quickly, has a very intuitive user interface and downloads files quickly, even hour long videos. It transfers them directly to the movie folder in your iTunes if you want it to.


    The MP4's it created for my iTunes can't be transferred to my iPod. This completely negated my purpose in downloading from Youtube. I was hoping to put cool old concerts on my iPod video. I'm not sure what the problem is. I was able to use an MP3 converter to make them into audio files and put them on the iPod, but this partially negated my purpose in having videos on the iPod, at least I can still listen to the concerts this way. Oddly, the iPod sees the MP3 files as MP4's but without the video, even though they have an MP3 tag on my laptop. I would have given this program 5 stars otherwise. I haven't tried downloading it to other file types yet. I may still find a way to solve this problem.


    If you just want video downloads from Youtube for your computer, this is an awesome program.

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MacX YouTube Downloader for Mac