Flv Crunch for Mac

Publisher's Description

CNET Editors' Rating

4.5 stars


Flv Crunch is one of many free tools available for converting various video and audio files to multiple formats. The application has a pretty standard user interface, giving you access to the basic conversion operations without any customization options, but you won't really miss them, as Flv Crunch does a very good job in a short time frame.

If you are a novice user, you may want to access the built-in Help file, but intermediate and advanced level users will intuitively know where to click and what action to take in order to improve the video conversion. What we liked is the application's ability to convert a long list of file types such as MPEG and Windows Media Player files, and convert them into the most common ones used on the Mac OS X platform.

The video conversion process is as easily said as done. Here FLV Crunch comes with very useful presets to allow you to work more easily, allowing you to quickly convert videos to iPod- and iPhone compatible formats or just standard VGA. However, there are little tricks you may want to learn in order to get the best conversion. For example, if the video you want to convert is in high quality, you'll need to check the high-quality option in order to keep the same quality after the file is converted. Once you remember these details, we think you'll like this simple app as much as we did.

Overall, FLV Crunch's performance was great; we couldn't find any issues during our testing, and its easy-to-understand interface make the video memories conversion process seamless and fun. Highly recommended for all levels of users.

All User Reviews

  • Current version:

    4.1 stars

    out of 13 votes

  • All versions:

    4.0 stars

    out of 98 votes

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What's new in version 1.5.0

Added the option to pause conversions.
Added the option to skip conversions.
Added the option to shut down the computer after a conversion finished.
Added the option to put the computer to sleep after a conversion finished.
Added the option to quit the application after a conversion had finished.
Added the option to display a dialog notifying the user after a conversion had finished.
Added the option to make the application play an alert sound after a conversion had finished.
Added the option to make the application's icon bounce in the dock after a conversion had finished.
Added the option to reduce CPU time to the conversion engine during a conversion.
Changed the File menu's "Open Error Log" item to "Open Log".
Added the option to print the conversion engine's messages by using the File menu's "Print Engine Messages" item.
Added the ability to remove files from the file list by using the keyboard's delete button.
Fixed a problem with conversions failing because the user attempted to start converting seconds after the program started.
Added the ability to use ffmpeg-0.5 on Mac OS 10.1 to 10.3! Be able to convert some of the newest videos on older versions of the Mac OS!
Added the ability to use ffmpeg-0.5 (x86 version) on Mac OS 10.4 running on an x86 processor (huge speed up).
Disabled the Test button in the preferences when a test was taking place. Added the ability to select the text in the Additional Commands window.
Removed the resize handle from the Additional Commands window.
Improved support for unicode characters in file names.
Fixed a problem with 5.1 surround sound files not converting with formats that use the MP3 audio codec.
FIxed a problem with 5.1 surround sound files not converting with the WMV format.


Download Type:
CNET Secure Download
G 3
Publisher Web Site
Release Date
January 16, 2012
Date Added
January 16, 2012


Video Software
Video Converters

System Requirements

Operating Systems
Mac OS X 10.3, Mac OS X 10.4 PPC, Mac OS X 10.4 Intel, Mac OS X 10.7, Mac OS X 10.4, Mac OS X 10.5 PPC, Mac OS X 10.5 Intel, Mac OS X 10.6, Mac OS X 10.5
Additional Requirements
Not available

Download Information

File Size
File Name
Flv Crunch 1.5.0.zip


Total Downloads
Downloads Last Week


License Model
Not available
Not available



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Flv Crunch for Mac