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  • Faster download speeds
  • Higher completion rates
  • Detailed performance data
  • Fully customized UI

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Pando Patcher & LauncherUnified patching workflow allowing for faster click-to-play and a higher conversion

patcherPando Patcher & Launcher downloads and applies patches in a streamlined workflow allowing for a reliable update process as well as faster downloads and a higher success rate. Publishers are able to engage with their end users by presenting dynamic content during the patch process.


  • Reliably download and apply patches using the Pando Content Delivery Cloud
  • Customize the look-and-feel of the Pando Patcher & Launcher to fit your product branding
  • Flexible UI design that supports any shape / size
  • Create dynamic marketing real-estate by embedding a browser window of any size
  • Create unlimited number of custom links to community and purchase options (forum, buy cash, etc.)
  • Get more data about user experience (speed, completion)
  • Provide an intuitive and unified patching workflow for all of the publisher's games


  • Easily and independently publish new patches and decommission old ones
  • Define dependencies between patches
  • Shorten patch-to-play time: automatically calculate the shortest upgrade path
  • Can be integrated with anti-cheating software (such as Xtrap)

Pando Networks, Inc.

520 Broadway, 10th Floor
New York, NY 10012