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Meet the Click team

Behind camera shot of the Click team

Spencer Kelly

After studying computer science at Cambridge and presenting a breakfast radio show, Spen now fronts Click on TV. He has travelled the world to discover how technology is changing lives - from single computers in India to robot suits in Japan. He is a closet hacker, causing waves with demonstrations of security flaws in services such as Facebook. But best not mention the botnet…

Despite all the hard work at Click, Spencer is now facing the most difficult challenge of his life - being a father.

Gareth Mitchell

Reporting on technology for the last 15 years, Gareth has plenty of experience to fall back on when presenting of the radio version of Click. After studying electronic engineering, he fixed bits of microwave kit on to very tall transmitter masts for a while. He then produced 5Live's Big Byte in the original PlayStation era before turning to presenting.

His favourite things are Twitter, space, motorcycling, SXSW, Guinness and good manners in the cinema.

Kate Russell

Most people would like Kate's job on Click which involves surfing the web and trying out all the latest apps on her impressive collection of smartphones. She has been a technology reporter since the mid-90s and started tinkering with computers aged 11, when she got addicted to her first game, Elite.

In her spare time Kate enjoys kick-boxing, creative writing and annoying her Twitter followers. She believes she has recently devised the perfect scientific formula for café latte.

Richard Taylor

Spending his teenage years squinting over a BBC computer and living down the sobriquet Inspector Gadget, it was clear that destiny was insisting that Richard take on the mantle of editorial overlord for a tech TV show.

When he is not barking orders, he spends his time batting away PR officers, giving him little time to rue his physical role stuck behind an insipid beige desk. Away from work, he rues his other great unrequited love - Arsenal FC.

Dan Simmons

Having tested many phones - some to complete destruction - Dan is Click's mobile guru. Starting as a BBC radio journalist he moved to TV News in 2001, before joining Click in 2004. Dan does a lot of the tweeting for @bbcclick. While not the biggest geek, he is on a mission to determine if and why new technologies should matter to the rest of us.

Between texts, Dan enjoys snowsports, sailing and good wine - which thankfully is a year-round sport.

Marc Cieslak

Being Click's resident gaming expert can have its perks - Marc can count playing around on all the new consoles as "research". A long time TV man, he's made everything from entertainment and music programmes to comedies.

Away from the office, he plays computer games - debunking the myth that all work and no play makes Marc a dull boy.

LJ Rich

With an ear for music and an eye for trends, LJ Rich is Click's social media veteran who is always on the lookout for the latest memes.  After reading music at Oxford, she has monitored emerging concepts in consumer electronics for over a decade, with particular interest in audio innovations and quirky gadgets.

When offline, LJ composes and analyses music. She is fascinated by language and loves to travel. She also writes restaurant reviews.

Talia Franco

After spending the whole of her childhood taking apart all the electronic gadgets around the house for a closer inspection, Talia finally decided to turn her hobby into a career. She studied Journalism and TV production at university and has been working in technology for over 10 years.

When not producing TV, she's watching it. Lots of it. Between programmes she enjoys cycling and playing catch with her son.

Alex Hudson

When not working for Question Time or News Online, Alex is Click's interactive producer.

Away from the Click offices, he spends an awful lot of time on Twitter - talking about technology and an alarming amount of cricket - and (very) occasionally goes outside to see what the world looks like without pixels.

Ian Hardy

A one-time entertainment reporter for BBC Radio One and BBC Breakfast News, Ian got fed up with chasing celebrities because they never stop. Since joining Click in 2000, he has talked to some of the tech world's most influential people.

He is responsible for two startups - kids as some people call them - Dylan and Cerys. Now permanently based in the US, his half Welsh, half Chinese family live in a sleepy little town called Manhattan.

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