Split: A Deeper Divide Image

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  • Summary: What does it mean for our collective future when we are too divided to address the challenges we face as a nation? SPLIT: A Deeper Divide is the riveting investigation into the partisanship paralyzing our politics, going beyond the bitter rancor to reveal the truth of why our country is more polarized and our politics more gridlocked than at any other time in recent memory. Through unparalleled access to the most insightful and recognizable names analyzing politics and society, the documentary unpacks the partisan wedges that have been driven ever deeper into our national fabric and the devastating impact these have had on our democracy. The film moves beyond the headlines of conservatives vs. liberals to the deeper questions of why: Why have we become two Americas? What are the forces - social, cultural, economic, political - that divide our nation so deeply? (Feature Presentations Releasing) Expand
Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 1 out of 5
  2. Negative: 0 out of 5
  1. Reviewed by: Kalvin Henely
    Oct 12, 2012
    As an election-season reminder that our democratic system isn't functioning, it serves as a welcome wake-up call
  2. Reviewed by: Dennis Harvey
    Oct 12, 2012
    None of this will be news to informed viewers, and the documentary's broad theme necessitates quick, superficial treatment of myriad underlying causes. But it's a solid, fairly even-handed spur for discussion that will be particularly welcome in classroom settings.
  3. Reviewed by: Nicolas Rapold
    Oct 12, 2012
    Even political foes agree here on today's parlous state of disagreement, leaving you keen to vote but feeling a little defeated already.

See all 5 Critic Reviews


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