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IRL – In Real Life / »IRL« - In Real Life

IRL – In Real Life / »IRL« - In Real Life

»IRL« is a multiplot drama about three characters in search for love, passion and recognition. They all start dating on the internet which takes th...
Spies og Glistrup / English Title To Be Announced

Spies og Glistrup / English Title To Be Announced

Christoffer Boes new feature is the story of the unique and perhaps unlikely friendship between two of the biggest eccentrics in Denamark - The Rig...
The Weight of Elephants / The Weight of Elephants

The Weight of Elephants / The Weight of Elephants

Adrian, 9, lives with his grandmother and his sick uncle. He has difficulty making friends, but when the mysterious Nicole moves into the house opp...
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Danish on a Sunday: 'The Will' & 'A Royal Affair'
Danish on a Sunday: 'The Will' & 'A Royal Affair'
11.11. kl. 14:15 - 25.11. kl. 14:15
Thomas Manns Venedig - foredrag og film
Thomas Manns Venedig - foredrag og film
21.11. kl. 21:00 - 21.11. kl. 23:30
Psych Out! - 'The Illustrated Man' og 'Rædselshuset'
Psych Out! - 'The Illustrated Man' og 'Rædselshuset'
22.11. kl. 19:30 - 22.11. kl. 22:00

Tal og statistik


Aktuelt billetsalg / Current admissions

20.11.2012 14:14
Aktuelt billetsalg til danske film.


25.05.2012 14:35
De aktuelle besøgstal for danske film i biograferneer udarbejdet af Det Danske Filminstitut. Oversigten opdateres to gange ugentligt på baggrun...

EFA priser

01.12.2011 11:31
Tal og statistik
FAKTA sec2
Det Danske Filminstitut

Det Danske Filminstitut
/ Danish Film Institute

EAN-nr: 5798000794085
CVR-nr: 56858318

Gothersgade 55
1123 København K

Tlf. +45 3374 3400
Fax +45 3374 3401

Cinematekets billetsalg
TLF. +45 3374 3412