The McKinsey Quarterly

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McKinsey Quarterly is the business journal of McKinsey & Company.

Emerging Markets
winning the $30 trillion decathlon article, emerging markets are biggest growth opportunity in capitalism’s history, Emerging Markets


Winning the $30 trillion decathlon: Going for gold in emerging markets

By 2025, annual consumption in emerging markets will reach $30 trillion—the biggest growth opportunity in the history of capitalism. To compete for the prize, companies must master ten key disciplines.

Editors’ Choice
Lifting the effectiveness of global organizations
  • global company's challenge article, challenges facing global companies, Emerging Markets

    JUNE 2012

    The global company’s challenge

    As the economic spotlight shifts to developing markets, global companies need new ways to manage their strategies, people, costs, and risks.

  • how multinationals can attract the talent they need article, more intense competition for talent in emerging markets, Emerging Markets

    JUNE 2012

    How multinationals can attract the talent they need

    Competition for talent in emerging markets is heating up. Global companies should groom local highfliers—and actively encourage more managers to leave home.

  • designing organizations for global effectiveness article, centralization versus decentralization, Emerging Markets

    JUNE 2012

    Organizing for an emerging world

    The structures, processes, and communications approaches of many far-flung businesses have been stretched to the breaking point. Here are some ideas for relieving the strains.

  • developing global leaders article, limited extent of globalization, Emerging Markets

    JUNE 2012

    Developing global leaders

    Companies must cultivate leaders for global markets. Dispelling five common myths about globalization is a good place to start.

Featured Articles
  • how companies can build brands in emerging markets article, emerging market consumers go through same basic steps as consumers in developed markets, Emerging Markets

    SEPTEMBER 2012

    Building brands in emerging markets

    Companies that harness word-of-mouth effects, emphasize in-store execution, and get their brands onto shoppers’ short lists for initial consideration are more likely to capture the loyalty of emerging-market consumers.

  • unlocking potential of emerging-market cities article, why cities are important for emerging market strategies, Emerging Markets

    SEPTEMBER 2012

    Unlocking the potential of emerging-market cities

    Most companies still take a national or regional view when allocating resources for global growth. They should shift their focus to fast-growing cities.

  • growth advantage of emerging market companies article, multinational companies investing in emerging markets, Emerging Markets

    MAY 2012

    Parsing the growth advantage of emerging-market companies

    Surprisingly little of their edge is attributable to starting from a smaller revenue base. They also seem to invest more, allocate resources more fluidly, and spot fast-growing segments.

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